|| Hawkins high. Monday September 14 1986. 12:06pm ||

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Mikes pov.
Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and El all sat down at a table together. Mike's confidence that this could be their brand new start began to fail, he'd forgotten that most of the people from middle school were still there, including the Walsh brothers, Troy and Blaine. Troy, despite being the biggest bully of their grade, seemed to attract the girls and gain popularity. His brother Blaine was in his second year of high school but he was almost 18, he got such bad grades he'd been held back 3 years.

But yet the summer had given them a chance to mature in their looks a bit, Mike noticed a few of the cheerleaders glancing and him and giggling to each other, "look at that Mike, already pulling all the ladies" Dustin grinned and nodded to them, "shut up" Mike said while rolling his eyes. "Go over and talk to them and you might have a girlfriend before 4th period" Lucas smirked, "stop it" Mike insisted looking highly embarrassed.

Something about the thought of having one of them as his girlfriend made him a bit uncomfortable but he couldn't put his finger on the reason, he supposed it was cause they didn't even know him.

"Look it's Will" Dustin said pointing to the cafeteria door where the boy had just walked out through, he looked incredibly overwhelmed.

Mike tried to catch his eye and finally did as Will looked back towards the side he was on, Mike waved and grinned and he smiled back before making his way over to him.

"Hi" Will said nervously "hi! Do you want to sit with us?" Mike asked "it's social suicide but-" Lucas started but stopped when he saw the looks on the others faces, "I mean- yeah you should sit with us" he finished sheepishly.

Will looked like he was holding back a laugh and sat down across from Mike.

"So uh- Will, where did you move from?" Max asked, "Madison Wisconsin" "was it nice there?" Dustin asked, "I mean it was okay... aside from peoples obsession with cheese" Will grinned, the others laughed. "I thought that was a joke, when people said Wisconsin loved cheese" Mike chuckled, "it mostly is, my town has whole cheese wheel eating contests at the fairs and stuff though" Will said, "cheese wheel eating?" Dustin snorted, "yeah I pretty much lived in cheese land" the others chuckled and they fell into silence.


Part four 🥳🥳
How are we feeling??

Next two parts later!

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