|| later. Monday, December 19th 1986. 6:42pm ||

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Wills pov.

It had been over 2 months since Will Byers became boyfriends with Mike Wheeler. And those 2 months had been the best in Will's life...
Let me catch you up.

A week into their relationship they decided to tell their friends:

"Hey guys, uhm... me and Will have something to tell you" Mike announced. They (Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and El) were in his basement hanging out. "Yeah?" Dustin asked, exchanging a look and a grin with Lucas.

"Uhm well... we're dating" he said while grabbing Will's hand. Everyone started talking at once, Will couldn't make out a word they said. He got the general idea though, everyone was supportive and happy for them.

3 weeks later after a particularly traumatic night with their father, the Byers brothers went to the police about the abuse. They knew they'd be alright financially, their mom had told them she'd gotten promoted at her job and was now making twice as much as before. And she had rekindled an old relationship with a man who promised to help support them, his name was Jim Hopper, he was the chief of police in Hawkins and he was also El's dad:

Will watched his father get taken into the building in handcuffs, he felt Jonathan squeeze his shoulder, "we did it" he smiled down at Will, "yeah, yeah we did. Now I want you to go apply to NYU before it's too late. I just know you'll get in!" Will grinned at him before hugging him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you boys" Joyce smiled, "we're gonna win this trial!" She hugged her sons. Then she turned to Hopper, and hugged him too.

School continued to be rough for both Mike and Will but it gradually lightened as they'd come up with a new tactic to get Troy and Blaine away:

"Hey fags!" Troy yelled at them while trying to push them into the lockers, they kept walking, doing their best to ignore Troy. This annoyed him greatly, if there was one thing he hated it was being ignored. "Hey! Don't act like you don't hear me!" He walked behind them. "Do you hear something Will?" Mike asked, Will shook his head while holding in a laugh.
Troy pushed their backpacks attempting to knock them over but the lack of confidence seemed to affect his strength.

A couple onlookers giggled at him. "Oh, hey Steve!" Will said, Troy stopped dead looking around frantically for Steve, he wasn't there. People laughed at his stupidity and he got embarrassed. From then on he barely picked on them, he still did, but only when he caught one of them completely alone. Which was barely ever.

With less bullying, no Lonnie, his mom getting promoted, and him and Mike being together. Will knew very few things could make him upset.


2 more chapters AHHH

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