|| Byers home. Tuesday, October 5th 1986. 8:37pm ||

151 6 2

Will's pov.

Will was patching up a cut on his foot from one of Lonnie's broken beer bottles he'd stepped on, when he saw a light flash into his window. He turned and smiled when he saw Mike, who smiled back before holding up a piece of paper that said 'hang out tomorrow?' Will grinned and nodded.

Will sat on his floor and looked up at the spinning fan, he liked Mike so much, it hurt to know they could never be a thing. Then again, that sleepover had kinda changed Will's mind a bit.

No he's straight, don't do this again.

But what if he's not?

He is, and he probably wouldn't want to be friends with you if he knew what you are.

If he's straight why'd he hold my hand?

He's probably just an affectionate person.

He's not just an affectionate person.

He's straight.

Straight boys don't look at other boys' lips.



"Oh my god" Will covered his face, Mike was straight, he knew it, no matter how much he wanted him to be gay, he was striaght.

The next few days at school Mike followed Will almost everywhere, determined to keep Troy away. Though it helped in the moment if either of them were caught by Troy apart they got called every slur in the book.

So they stuck together. all the time. Sometimes they had Lucas, Dustin, Max, or El with them but mostly only at lunch. Well, Lucas barely ever. see he'd joined the basketball team and couldn't (to put it in Jason -the captains- words) "hang with the losers" so much.

Will didn't blame him for wanting to be popular and not bullied, but it still hurt to see his friend leave him and only see him out of school.

Will, Mike, Dustin, and Max were sitting in the bleachers waiting for the basketball game to start. El was a cheerleader so she wasn't with them, how she'd managed to make it on the team at her popularity level (which was barely higher than Will's) he would never know, but he was happy she did.

He watched her and the rest of the cheerleaders run onto the court in their green uniforms, Chrissy Cunningham in the lead. They started a chant that Will didn't really pay attention to, he was more focused on Mike, who was wrapping one of his strands of curly hair around his finger, he seemed lost in thought staring at the cheerleaders. His eyes were full of worry and confusion, he wondered what was going on.

He'd sensed something was going on with Mike for a while, he wished he would talk to him but he seemed to distance himself when he asked.

"Hey! Airhead" Dustin snapped his fingers in front of Mike's face, "huh?" Mike jumped, "sorry it's just-" he looked at Dustin then glanced at Will who gave him a questioning look. Mike and Dustin exchanged a look, so Dustin knew but not him?

He looked to Max, practically begging that she wouldn't know, she was staring too, she didn't know.

She scooched towards him, "do you know what they're..?" "Nope" he shrugged, "Mikes been avoiding my questions" he whispered "ah. Lucas knows too I think, he won't answer my questions either"  "boys" they rolled their eyes.

They looked over at Mike and Dustin who were having a furious whispered argument, "so like... you wanna explain or?" Max asked, "explain what??" Mike snapped his head towards them, "nevermind.." she shook her head.

The basketball teams ran onto the court causing the stands to cheer loudly, which caught Will off guard.

Lucas looked up and spotted them sitting together, he winked and smiled before running to practice with the rest of the team. Will looked to Mike and Dustin who were now glaring in the direction of the court.

What's going on?


I know I know, 14 chapters in and still no byler? We'll get to it soon <3

Boys don't cry - a byler ficWhere stories live. Discover now