|| Sinclair home. Tuesday October 5th, 1986. 4:19pm ||

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Mikes pov.

Mike needed to talk to someone, he needed advice. So he went to his best friend, well, his other best friend, not Will, Lucas.

He knocked on the Sinclairs front door and waited for an answer. He hoped Lucas would be nice when he said what he was gonna say, he knew he wasn't always the most open and accepting.

The door opened and Erica glared up at him "what do you want?" She crossed her arms, "to talk to Lucas" Mike glared back, "HEY NERD, MIKES HERE!" She yelled.

Lucas came running down the stairs, "hey Mike. Bye Erica" he said, pushing her away from the door. "Come on, let's go" he said as Erica started to open her mouth.

They ran upstairs to his room and shut the door. "So... why are you here?" Lucas asked, "advice, I need it. Well I guess to tell you something too..." Mike said, "ok, spill" Lucas said while sitting on the bed, "Lucas I- wait. You won't leave me when I say this.. right?" He asked, a slight pleading in his voice. Lucas hesitated, "no, no of course not" he shook his head, "what's going on?"   "Lucas I think- I think I'm uhm" Mike sat down next to Lucas, "I think I might be gay" he said quietly, his voice breaking.

Lucas stared in shock at Mike, who had tears running down his face. "Mike" Lucas whispered, then he pulled him into a tight hug and let Mike cry it out.

When they pulled away from each other Lucas grabbed Mike's shoulder, "Mike, I support you, I always will. But, who- how did you... you know?" He asked, "it was uhm... Will... I really really like him" Mike said, "oh, really?" Lucas's mouth twitched as if he was trying not to laugh, "what?" Mike asked him, "nothing, nothing. I KNEW IT" he shouted, seeming to be unable to restrain himself any longer.

He jumped to his feet and started laughing triumphantly while Mike stared in shock. "What??" He asked "I've suspected for so long. The way you look at him Mike, so obvious" Lucas shook his head, Mike put his head in his hands, laughing.

At least he accepts me.

"So have you told Dustin yet?" Lucas questioned, finally calmed down. "Not yet.. I wanted you to be the first to know"  "you should tell him"  "I will.. soon" Mike nodded.

Him and Lucas hung out for a couple more hours before deciding to go to Dustin's, Mike was ready to tell him.

"Hey guys!" Dustin grinned, "hi! Mike has to tell you something" Lucas smiled back, "yeah uh. Let's go to your room."

"So? What's up?" He asked while shutting the door, "Dustin, uhm... I'm gay... and I like Will"   "...was that supposed to be a secret?" Dustin questioned. This was too much for Lucas who fell over lauguing.

Mike biked home, leaving Dustin and Lucas to hang out by themselves. He was a bit tired of human interaction, he needed to be alone.

When he got home he saw Nancy talking to Wills brother, Jonathan. Was she... flirting? Jonathan didn't really seem her type but who knows, maybe he didn't really know her type that well.

"Hey Mike!" Jonathan exclaimed when he saw him, "hi Jonathan, hey Nance" he waved before bringing his bike back to the shed.


I promise we'll get some more of Wills pov, I just feel like we've been lacking + needing some Mike.

Anyways I feel like Dustin would actually react like that💀💀


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