Chapter 0: Unkindness

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*Some Time Ago*

  This job was something of a chore at times, but it was something that I did not out of enjoyment or the betterment of the world. I do this because it simply needs to be done for me to get what I want in the end.

  Even presently, the devil we were being sent out to find was something that was a problem that evaded us for some time. It's made its way through multiple houses, killing and eating any families it comes across. It was reported around 8 am. this morning, and once we arrived on the scene, I could already smell the blood from the inside.

  Getting out of the car on arrival, some of my agents standing beside me as I examine the scene in the rain. Even with the scent of the dew in the air from the weather, the scent of iron was still present in the air. I noticed an ambulance wheeling out two body bags. This only rose my curiosity.

Makima: You all stand outside. I'll examine and see what we're dealing with inside. I need some answers.

  The men obeyed me as I entered the bloodied house. As I entered, I noticed parts of the walls around the entrance were broken as if the door was broken in from the outside. I entered, noticing cracks and other dents in the wall leading up the stairs. The scent of blood was strong up there, though my attention was snatched to the kitchen as I saw a gaping hole from the second floor coming down to the first, and the kitchen was even more colorful than the last.

  There was more blood in the kitchen than there seemed to be anywhere else. The walls were lined with claw marks and deep gashes as if a creature got into a fight with something, but it wasn't the same as the entrance walls.

Makima: The scent of blood is different here than it is upstairs. These claws are only in the kitchen under the broken ceiling. Clearly, whatever broke in, I didn't have claws.

  I made my way up the stairs and noticed the rooms were broken into. The first room was small, seemingly belonging to a girl, hardly any blood, but a lot of holes and destroyed furniture. Then in the next was when it got bloody, the main room with the crater leading to the kitchen. One room was untouched, but clearly, no one was in that room prior to the attack.

  The claw markings appear in this room. The bodies of an adult male and female lay sprawled in the kitchen below. Whether they were alive was unclear.

Agent: Miss Makima! We found something in the backyard!

  I make my way down by leaping through the hole and exiting the room through the back door. The door was completely blown out as if a force was thrown through it, and that was where I happened to see the body of a devil. It had to be about 8 feet tall, with a muscular appearance. It was covered in the same claw marks as the ones from inside, I looked beyond the corpse and saw what looked like a young boy, just sitting in the grass staring up at the raining sky. Some of my agents drew their guns as they noticed his hands were dripping with blood. I noticed a trail from the devil here leading to him and his hands in particular.

  I raise my hand, signaling them to stand down as I walk over to the boy. I walk slowly to him, stopping next to him. I looked down at him, noticing his long dark hair, his (s/c), and his school uniform. A high schooler, though he looked rather young. A freshman, perhaps.

  I look at him as I notice his eyes or eye since he appeared to have one missing, with the eyepatch he had over his left eye.

  He slowly stands to his feet, kegs trembling as he maintains balance. Before he can stand for too long, he starts to fall forward as I catch him in my arms. He looked beaten and worn. Blood dripping down his fingers.

Man: What is he?

Makima: A special case. He smells like a human, but also like a devil. It seems as though he is the one who killed the devil we saw in the house. Though I am perplexed on how he managed such a feat. What powers he must weild to be so precise and deadly.

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