Chapter 5: Rescue

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Aki: So, just to recap. We appear to be stuck on the 8th floor with no way to really get out. Likely a devil's power. The elevators are inoperable, and there's no way out through the rooms or windows. Even going through the ceiling is a no go.

Denji: Probably because Power killed that devil. Probably used an ability and never got to turn it off, so now we're just stuck.

Power: You're the one who commanded me to kill it!!!

Denji: Did not!

  Currently everyone was relaxing in a room of the hotel trying to come up with any ideas to get out of the 8th floor. You sat next to Kobeni lightly rubbing her back as to not worry her any further.

Y/N: IF this was that devil's power, then it would have deactivated upon death.

Himeno: So that thing was bait and we bit it hard. Whatever's doing this really does have some tricks up their sleeves.

Arai: Okay, but once HQ notices we've been gone long they should send some other hunters to help right?

Himeno: Well fingers crossed that's the case.

  Kobeni looked down at her lap trembling as sweat drips down her face.

Kobeni: Since they can't get in and we can't get out then we are all going to die. We'll starve to death.

Arai: Gotta stay strong alright, happy thoughts. Gotta keep living as a devil hunter to put your brother through school okay?

Kobeni: I'm not doing it because I want to.

  This revelation made you look at her a bit confused. It sounds like a noble thing to do for family.

Kobeni: My older brother's the gifted one so his education is all that matters to my parents so they made me get a job. It was either become a devil hunter or a sex worker.

  Tears began to run down her cheeks as she began to start crying. You felt your heart ache for such a sweet precious girl.

Kobeni: I-I wanted to go to college. But now I'm just going to my grave!

  You hold her close hugging her as Power begins laughing hysterically at her fear and misfortune. 

Arai: Stop laughing! This isn't funny!

Raven: Girl of your dreams right?

Y/N: Oh shut it. She's a devil so it makes sense as to why she enjoys the suffering.

Raven: You really love Power that much? Me personally, I am already more fond of this Kobeni girl. Did you not hear her situation? You could be her knight in shining armor, here to save her from her unfortunate circumstances. It would be like a fairy tale, like Rapunzel or Cinderella. Doesn't that sound so romantic? 

  You see Raven doing gestures as if he were holding a sword with his hair flowing in the nonexistent wind. He leans in next to you, guiding your hand to lightly stroke Kobeni's head as she began sobbing into your chest.

Y/N: I-It's alright Kobeni. We'll get out of this so do try to control your fear.

Himeno. He's right Kobeni, fear is what fuels devils, so try to be brave.

Kobeni: I-I know b-b-but I just can't!

  More tears as you held her close. Her sobs growing more quiet as you hug her. You noticed Aki looking to the side as you turn to see that he was looking at the clock.

Y/N: What's wrong Aki?

Aki: The clock. It's been 8:18 for a lot longer than a minute. Come to think of it, all the clocks have been reading that time. Based on that, it's possible time on the 8th floor has been frozen.

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