Chapter 14: Rainfall

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    After a couple days, later that night, I was already out in the field hunting devils. Funnily enough, my "daughter," if you can really call her that, wanted to come long as well. Although I didn't approve, I just wanted to see what she could do in the field. So, it was a family outing of sorts. Me, Princi, Beelzebub, and even Sawatari. Although, it wasn't as easy as I expected.

  I was currently being strangled by it's vines as it's thorns burrowed deep into my flesh.

Y/N: W-Who is actually a-a-afraid of flowers nowadays?!?! GAH!!

  I felt the cracking in my neck as if it was inching closer to breaking. I was too panicked to make a weapon, so I just extended my talons and sliced away at the vines. I fell from great heights as I landed in the arms of Princi.

Princi: Are you alright?

Y/N: *cough cough* Y-Yeah. How do we kill this thing? It's a lot larger than I thought.

  This thing was a bit larger than the leech devil. it had the mouth of a Venus fly trap with vines snaking throughout the region. Using those roots to stab into people to drink their blood. IT also had arms that had roses on the ends as it looked down at us. Prince managed to avoid the vines as I just leapt out of her grasp and ran up the vines, rushing for the head.

Y/N: When in doubt, just aim for the head I guess.


  In a nearby restaurant, Beelzebub sat at a table easting an ice cream sundae while Sawatari sat next to her. The building lightly shaking as Sawatari looked over watching you get slammed against the glass.

Sawatari: Should we help them?

Beelzebub: It's a flower devil with a Venus Flytrap for a head. Ssssssssssso no.

Sawatari: He'll kill me if he sees me in here not doing anything.

Beelzebub: You are doing something. You're watching over me. Besides, can you still use your snake?

Sawatari: Thanks to Makima, yes I can. But she only said I could use it when either her or (Y/N) commanded me. It's like I have the power, but only those two can activate it.

  Beelzebub spat up her stomach acid on the ice cream as she drank down the pre-digested ooze making Sawatari reel back with a bit of disgust.

Sawatari: I thought he told you to eat normally in public.

Beelzebub: Everyone either ran away or is hiding in the back. Besides, it's easier for me to eat this way. Even if you humans find it disgusting.

  The ground shook even more as Princi hangs down from the ceiling slightly scaring Sawatari.

Beelzebub: Are we done yet?

Princi: You're mother is finishing up right now. He was a little annoyed that Makima took Denji out for a movie date and not him. So he's burning through that fire of irritation.

Beelzebub: Yeah, he just seems like he really wanted more of Makima.

Sawatari: He really thinks he has a chance with her?

Beelzebub: Yes.

Sawatari: Well. . . does he?

Princi: Questionable. Lady Makima seems to really enjoy him sometimes. But anything could be possible. Maybe.

Beelzebub: Why? You want a piece of my mom too? Did Stockholm syndrome kick in with you already after he whipped the hell out of you?

  Sawatari looks at Beelzebub with a disgusted face.

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