Chapter 13: Easy Revenge

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Y/N: Where the fuck is Sawatari?!

  You stab the mans hand through the wall as he cries out. You twist the blade as he cries out.


  You take the gun and shoot him in the head as you notice two others. Kobeni appears shooting them with expert marksmanship.

Y/N: Oh you're the best Beni! Killing bad guys together like a badass duo. We're like a REALLY good power couple.

Kobeni: C-Couple?

Y/N: . . . I mean. A good team? . . . Kobeni I love you!

Kobeni: E-EEEHHH!!!!

Y?N: I mean! Behind you!

  You look behind her and throw your black knife through the head of a guy taking aim with his gun.

  Kobeni shoots two shots behind you dropping two more guards as the both of you make your way through the halls. One guy tries to sneak her but you grab them by their arms and twist them around in a choke hold.

Y/N: I was thinking. Well, maybe one day, if not today. . . you'd like to be mine?

Kobeni: EHHH!?!?!?!

Y/N: Well you know? Maybe. . . we could. . . Go out or whatever. You know? If it's too much to think about I can wait and ask you later. . . Or. . . Let's just not, you're probably busy. . . Let's just think about the mission right now.

  You twist the man's neck roughly as a snapping sound is heard. You drop his body as you remembered your Raven's. Checking up on the ones you gave to the others. 

  Denji and Power seemed okay in the elevators, and Aki. . . Hmm, Aki was being strangled, by a devil it looked like.  You even saw the blond haired assailant that had eluded you for so long.

Y/N: Sawatari! 

  You rush on as Kobeni follows, you did manage to peak in on Aki some while you and Kobeni fought through the halls, so you just retraced his steps and made your way to his location to capture Sawatari. Rushing through the halls just shooting anyone who gets in your way.

  Further into the building, Aki truly thought his life had ended there, as his vision went black for a bit. Only for it to slowly return as he slowly looked up at the Ghost Devil. The devil stared with it's lack of eyes and blank smile. 

  As he looks at it, h]it holds out it's hand, Aki a bit confused at first then sees it's palm open to reveal a cigarette in it's palm with words written onto it.

"Easy Revenge"

  Aki's eyes widen a bit as he slowly takes the cigarette from the creatures palms. Then stands to his feet, walking forward as the Ghost Devil does nothing in response only leaving Sawatari stunned as she watched.

Aki: 'The Ghost Devil doesn't have eyes. So it uses fear to see. Thank you for telling me that Himeno.'

  He walks up the devils back as he prepares his sword, swiping the creature's head off in one stroke. The body of the Ghost devil falls as Sawatari looks at Aki with fear knowing that she was running out of options.

Sawatari: S-Snake! T-

Aki: Don't.

  Sawatari looks a bit confuse until the feels a blade to her neck as Kobeni is right behind her with her black knife. Only for moments later, you tackle Sawatari out of her grasp.


  You mount her and prepare your claws to tear into her, but Aki grabs your wrist.

Aki: We need her alive. You know that.

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