Chapter 16: Alone Together

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  You came into the coffee shop as you sat next to Reze, who you noticed was doing what looked like school work. She turned around noticing you as she smiled at your presence. You've been enjoying her company for the past week and it's a good break from home and work.

Reze: Sooo, you came crawling back. Couldn't get enough of the coffee?

Y/N: If your name is coffee, then yes. But ! also came for lunch.

  You scoot closer to her as you notice her smiling and blushing at your flirting. Which honestly was a trait that was a result of Raven living in your head.

Reze: There's no way the food here is that good.

Y/N: Well, eating it around a pretty lady makes it all the sweeter.

Reze: Mmm, you're good at making a woman's heart flutter. Even if you have no taste in food.

Y/N: When it comes to food, I'm not picky. Besides I like the whole cafe scene. Doing school work?

Reze: Yeah. Think you can help me? Or is all you know devil hunting?

Y/N: I am very good in school. I just haven't gone in a while. But I'm actually very smart in things involving physics or mathematics. Depending on the mathematics of course. I also know some science, history, fine arts, and many other things.

  You go over Reze's studies with her as you manage to offer some pretty good assistance. Though she seemed surprised that you were as intelligent as you are.

Reze: Wow, I never expected that you'd be so brainy. Especially since you haven't been in school in how long?

Y/N: For about a year, I'd be a freshman right now if I was.

Reze: I bet you were popular before you got involved in devil hunting.

Y/N: I was average. I never really had any friends, I mostly studied.

Raven: Nerd.

Y/N: But you know. Sometimes I miss school. It made me feel normal. Even though right now I feel pretty great. I do miss the average life sometimes. . . but since my parents are dead, and my sister is in the hospital, there's no way I can get that back.

  Reze gives you a soft look as she scoots closer to you.

Reze: Wanna go then?

  You looked at her confused.

Reze: We can find a night school tonight. Then I can help you relive, or create new school memories. Think about it. The two most popular kids in school.

Y/N: Really? You would do that for me?

  Reze wraps an arm around you, brining you closer as you feel your face heat up. You nod your head in agreement as you agreed to meet up with her later in the day. In the meantime, you go for a little walk until tonight. Raven walking beside you.

Raven: Good job. You spoke to a girl and she's into you.

Y/N: I guess. But. . . I still feel weird. 

Raven: Why? Isn't this what you wanted? A lot of girls. Power, Princi, Kobeni, who is my favorite, I guess Sawatari, and now Reze. 

Y/N: It's weird. I guess you never really know it until you get it, but now I just feel weird. How does marriage work? Is it even legal to marry more than one woman in Japan?

Raven: Listen, try not to think about it all too much, you over think again and you'll pass out. . . again. Just ride the wave, sail the breeze and don't worry. You can handle one night with a girl. You've handled worse things. You've been disarmed, shot, stabbed, poisoned, ripped in half, gutted-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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