Chapter 6: Kill Denji

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Himeno: Denji. Wake up sleepy head.

  Himeno pokes at Denji's face as Denji awakens from his slumber.

Denji: Hey, you guys figure a way out yet.

Himeno: Sorry to break it to ya cupcake, but not yet. We learned electricity and water still work the same, we even found some food left behind in some rooms. Aki is still searching for the devil. Arai was helping but then he haled himself up in a room after having a panic attack, seems the stress of our situation was getting to him. Kobeni freaked out and tried to drink from the toilet, so I had to knock her out. So other than that, our situation sadly hasn't changed.

Denji: What about Power and (Y/N)?

  Himeno brings her finger to her chin, realizing that the two of you haven't returned since Power dragged you off. Her thoughtful gaze became a devious smile as she thought about what inappropriate activities you have gotten into with her.

Himeno: Let's go find out.

  Himeno leads Denji out of the room and into the other halls searching for the two of you. She finally opens a door to a hotel room and sees you fast asleep on Power's chest as Power lightly strokes your hair in her slumber. 

Himeno: Well well well. Looks like those two are getting close.

  Denji peaks his head in to see the position you were in, making his mouth open wide in shock seeing how satisfied you looked against the fiends breasts. Denji storms in and grabs a pillow from the bed, using it to smack you awake as you jolt up from the smack to the head, ruffling your feathers as you take out two birds, turning them into daggers.


Himeno: Everyone's fine, though you two seem to be even more fine.

  You look down at Power who rubs her eyes lightly waking up from the commotion. Denji points at you with an angry expression.

Denji: You got to sleep on some boobs for free?!? What the hell man!

Power: If it makes you feel any better, he got to fondle my breasts before doing so.

. . . .

  You rush at Power and pull on her cheeks as Denji hits you in the back of the head with the pillow.

Denji & Y/N: YOU TRAITOR!!!

Power & Y/N: HOW AM I A TRAITOR?!?!?


Y/N: I worked for it, besides she's the one who offered five squeezes to me!

Denji turns to Power with a surprised glance just staring at her.


  Power pushes you off of her as she shouts to Denji.

Power: (Y/N) got two more for being a faithful servant to me, and my vice Prime Minister. He even got to feel them bear in all their fleshy glory.

. . . .

Denji & Y/N: TRAITOR!!!!!

  You, Denji and Power all engage in an extreme pillow fight, no holes bared as Himeno just can't contain her laughter. Raven even snickering on the side just watching the three of you hit each other as feathers go flying. Though you were clearly more skilled than the two, yo decided to let some hits land in an effort to make this a little more fun for yourself. Not having felt something this close to companionship in a while, it was a nice relaxing experience. What started out as a war actually became fun in the end of it all. After a bit of fighting, everyone follows Himeno to the room next to where Arai and Kobeni were to better keep them safe.

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