1 - Awakening -

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"He doesn't know!?"
"Not yet, he's been a bit preoccupied, Caroline."

Caroline? I knew I recognised the voices.


I never imagined I'd hear her voice again.

Wait. Where am I? What happened? Am I...awake?

"Plus, I didn't want to get his hopes up, if she doesn't..."

My eyes flutter open and, like I assumed, my two best friends are stood next to me.
Facing each other.

"Guys?" I mutter, my breath is hitched and it's hard to get words out. So all I can muster is a weak 'guys'.

Their heads both snap towards me and their jaws drop at the sight of me. Their faces quickly light up and tears form in their eyes.

"Oh my god..." Bonnie mumbles, "Elena!" Caroline shrieks.

I sit up slowly and take a little look around.
My surroundings don't seem familiar...

"You're here!" Caroline breathlessly chuckles, tears are streaming down all three of our faces at this point and they both throw their arms around me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Bonnie cries. Neither did I.

"How am I back!? I thought Bonnie had to die fo-" I ramble but Caroline stops me.

"She did...die. Briefly. But she obviously came back. She didn't really die, but her heart stopped for a good minute so I guess the universe made it count!"

A grin is plastered on my face.
I'm back. Really back.
With my two best friends.

How long have I been gone?
Seen as Bonnie doesn't look like she's aged a day I'm guessing not too long...like, not sixty years long.

"How long have I been gone?..."
"Three years. Not much has changed...well that's a lie, but not sixty years worth of change." Bonnie explains.

I'm so curious to see what's happened in my families lives while I've been gone...family...Damon!

"What about Damon? Where is he?"
"He's fine. I'm pretty sure he's with Stefan but he could be with Ric, Jo and the twins." Caroline says casually.

Jo? Twins?
I'm pretty sure she was stabbed in the stomach by her psychotic twin brother...

"Wait? Jo's alive?" I grinned, I love Jo, I became so close with her during my residency and obviously because she's Alaric's...wife?

"Oh, Yes! Bonnie was able to save her, with the help of Valerie and Nora of course." Caroline tells me, again, casually. Who the hell are Valerie and Nora!?

She must've noticed the confused look on my face because she followed on.
"Oh yeah, you're going to need to be caught up...but don't worry! Because you're back!" She squeals and throws her arms back around me.

My head honestly hurts from all the confusion.
I have no idea what is going on in my life.

Jo is alive. She gave birth to twins. Ric is a father.
Damon is okay.

Damon. I can't wait to see him.
I've missed him so much.

The 'coma' I've been in was weird.
It was like I was dead...but kind of in a long sleep.

I'd find myself having dreams...
And nightmares.

"Can I see him?...Damon?"
"Of course. Do you want to surprise him? It could be fun..." Bonnie convinces me.

"Okay. Yeah. Let's surprise him!"

The two of them join me on the bed and we start planning how to surprise him.
They are the only two people who know about me being awake so we decide to surprise Damon first, alone. Then everyone else, somehow.

After - A Delena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now