"Thank you again," I say to Caroline,
"I'm the one who begged you," She smiles, hugging me, we say goodbye and they leave.I yawn, "You tired?" Damon asks,
"Kinda, I wanna read the baby names before we go to sleep though," I tell him."I'll bring the box up, I just wanna get some water," He says, "Okay," I smile, going upstairs.
I'm ready for bed and Damon still hasn't come upstairs, so I go to check on him.
'Does she know!?' He must be on the phone.
'Good, you've delayed this twice now.'Who's he talking to?
'Alright, look I gotta go Elena's gonna be suspicious,'
Bit late for that.
'Yeah, bye.'
I quietly go back upstairs and get in bed.
"Got the box, sorry I took so long, Enzo called," He says, walking in the room.
That was Enzo?
"It's okay," I smile.
He hands me the box, "I'm just going to brush my teeth."He goes into the bathroom and I grab my phone,
'Did Damon just call you?' I text Enzo.'Yeah, why?'
'What we're you talking about?'
'Why don't you ask him?'
'Just tell me.'
'It's nothing to do with him or you or the two of you, and it's nothing bad, okay? I just can't tell you yet.'
'I don't know how I feel about that.'
'Just trust us.'
'Fine, Gn.'
'Gn'I put my phone back on the bedside table and lay back, this happened a couple weeks ago and Damon told me to trust him, and I do, so I'm just gonna forget about it.
Damon walks back in and takes his clothes off before getting into bed, "This is gonna be entertaining," He says.
"Let's try guess who put them in," I tell him and he nods.
We spend an hour going through this box, Damon laughed at many names and I felt bad, but still laughed too.
When we're done, we put the box down and go to sleep, I'm getting more and more excited every day.
— 2 weeks later . 36 weeks -
There's a knock at the door.
"That's it!" I squeal, Damon gets up from the couch and opens the door.
"Package," The man says.
Damon nods, signing for it and dragging the huge box inside."AH!" I scream, getting up and running over.
"Getting this up the stairs is going to be fun," Damon smiles sarcastically."I can hel-," I say but he quickly cuts me off,
"No, sit down."I roll my eyes and sit on the couch.
Then watch as he struggles to drag the box up the stairs.Maybe I don't mind not helping.
He makes it to the corner and I clap, making him glare at me, I laugh and he turns the box, continuing to lug it up the stairs.
"You sure you wanna help?" Damon asks,
"Of course I do it's our baby's nursery."Today we're decorating the nursery, ideally finishing it, over the past few days Damon's been painting the walls and ceiling, now it's done and dry, we can start decorating.
Like most of the rooms in the house, there was wood panelling on the walls, but it only went up the bottom half, we didn't want to get rid of it so we decided to paint it white, we then painted the cream plaster above a really light grey, that looked pretty much white if not next to the panelling.
We've been waiting for the crib to arrive, now it has we can start.
"Start with building the crib right?" I ask and Damon nods, we sit on the floor and start to assemble everything.
after an hour we had completed step one, most of the hour was Damon screaming 'I HATE FUCKING IKEA' and me laughing at him.
"All done, only took two hours and a half," Damon smiles, "Our baby is gonna sleep in that, it better not be missing any screws or anything," I say to him.
"Hey, you built it with me," He argues,
"You did most of it.""Anyway, you start building the changing table and I'll put what I need to in the crib," I tell him and he groans.
"It won't be like the crib, the changing table isn't from ikea," I remind him and he sits back on the floor.
I pulled the waterproof cover and sheet over the mattress and put it in the crib, the sheet was white with little rainbows on.
Then I put the white Dockatot in because we decided to store it in the crib when he wasn't in there, I hung a baby blanket over the crib, it was a soft white material with little suns on.
I put a fluffy cloud pillow in, the bear Ric, Jo and the girls got us and Bun Bun. Lastly I attached the mobile to the crib.
When I was done it looked adorable, I was pretty proud of myself too.
"Damon, look," I say and he looks up from the floor,
"Jesus," He breathes."What?" Does he not like it?
"There's gonna be a baby in there soon..."I laugh, "Yeah."
After a couple breaks, a few mental breakdowns and nearly 9 hours, it was done.
"High five," Damon says, holding his hand up.
I high five him, looking at our work.We'd done it all, the crib, changing table, clothes storage, the glider, shelves, hanging the calendar from the baby shower on the wall, same with the messages on the sheet, storage, a toy basket, safety plugs, a white noise machine, a baby monitor, a rug and even a diaper genie (Damon thought it was an actual genie).
"Just one thing left," I remind him.
We've left a blank space above the crib where we're gonna put the name, we just need to decide on one.
Damon's Pov
"Elena keeps telling me I need to baby proof the house," I complain to Ric, Stefan and Enzo.
"You do," Ric says.
"What?" I ask, confused. We covered the plug sockets, what else is a problem?"Yeah, baby gates and shit," Stefan adds.
"What the hell are baby gates?""They keep the baby from going into rooms they shouldn't be in, most importantly falling down the stairs," Ric explains.
"I'll just lock it in the nursery or something," I tell him.
"Oh my god," Ric mumbles."Yeah, you can do that mate," Enzo says.
"Yeah probably shouldn't," I nod.———
"How the fuck do I do this?" I ask Elena, attempting to put the car seat in the car.
"Come here," She laughs, nudging me out of the way.
She struggles a bit but gets everything clipped in pretty easily."There, done," Elena smiles smugly.
"Don't look so smug, I did most of the work you just did the last step."We go back inside and sit on the couch.
"Have we done everything?" Elena asks,
"I think so, yeah.""Nothing left to do," She mutters.
A/N: Kinda short chapter but it's really just a filler, do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?

After - A Delena Story
أدب الهواةElena finally awakes from her magically induced coma, she is of course confused and worried at first, until, she sees him. Every problem, every worry, every thought, disappears from her brain when she meets eyes with the one who makes her happiest. ...