"Alright, time for bed girls." Jo says."Nooo." They whine in unison and I chuckle.
"Nooo." Damon mocks them."Go get your pjs on and then I'll tell you a story." He tells them and they both run up the stairs.
"I don't know why they love you so much but it really helps so thank you." Jo laughs.
"What's not to love." Damon says and gestures at his body.
Jo rolls her eyes and I laugh.
The two of them had already started actually cooking, they gave the girls dinner and then started making dinner for the four of us.
It already smelt amazing so I was really excited.
"Can you go help them?" Ric asks and nods his head to the stairs.
"Yeah, sure." I smile and we both walk up the stairs.
I follow Damon to the girls' room because I have no clue where it is.Though It's quite easy to navigate to due to the loud giggles.
Damon pushes the door open and sees the two girls having a pillow fight.
"What're you doing?" He asks and they both look at him, the smile gone from their faces.
"Pillow fight." Livvy says plainly."Without me? Have I taught you girls nothing?" He questions and runs up to them.
He takes a pillow from a bed and starts hitting them with it, they hit him back and it's so entertaining to watch.
The girls start giggling again and Damon lets out a few chuckles.
I know I should probably stop them...
But I won't.And I don't need to when Alaric walks into the room.
"Really, Damon!?" He exclaims and walks over to the three of them.
"She didn't stop us!" Damon defends himself and points at me."Well I'm sorry!" I shout.
Damon's like a child 99.9% of the time.
"Every time. Every time I tell you to get them into bed you do this." Alaric mumbles and takes the pillows off of them.
"Sorry, Daddy." Lucy murmurs.
"It's okay sweetie. Uncle Damon shouldn't of joined in." Ric side eyes Damon at the end."Get into bed." Alaric sighs and puts the pillows back.
Both girls climb into bed and get under the covers.
"Sleep tight, I love you." He says to both girls and kisses each of their heads.
He walks out the room and shuts the door.
"Okay, what story do you want?" Damon asks.
I feel a bit like a third wheel, well, fourth wheel.
But I don't really mind because I love watching Damon act like this with the girls."How the vampire met the prettiest girl in the world!" Livvy yells and Lucy nods her head in agreement.
"I don't know...how about-." He starts but the twins cut him off, "Please! Please! Please!" They beg.
"Fine." He gives in and takes a seat at the end of Livvy's bed.
"I still don't know how you aren't bored of it, I've been telling you it since you were born." Damon mutters under his breath.
He clears his throat and starts telling the story,
'One night, a very handsome vampire was walking around a tiny town called Mystic Falls, when I say handsome I mean absolute smoke show."

After - A Delena Story
FanfictionElena finally awakes from her magically induced coma, she is of course confused and worried at first, until, she sees him. Every problem, every worry, every thought, disappears from her brain when she meets eyes with the one who makes her happiest. ...