7 - Talking -

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I try to pick up the dishes but Damon stops me.
"I'll do it." He smiles.

He's being weirdly kind...

"Okay..." I reply and go upstairs.
I decide to change so I grab my favourite shirt and some black shorts.

Once I've changed I wash my face in the bathroom and take my hair out of the bun because it's starting to give me a headache.

I realise what I've been doing.
I'm trying to delay the talk even more.

This morning I promised myself I'd do it today so I have to. Or I could do it tomorrow...

No. Today.

I'm about to go downstairs when Damon walks into the room. Great. I think.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I ask.
"Sure." He says. A part of me was hoping he'd say no.

I sit on the bed and he joins me.

"We should've talked about this as soon as I got back but I've been putting it off..." I start.
He nods slightly, the smile still on his face.

I just want this over with so I blurt it out.
"Do you still want the cure?"

The smile doesn't disappear and is expression doesn't change, it's actually freaking me out...

"Yeah." He answers simply.
"Wait. What?" I'm confused. He's so chill about this.

"Of course I do. I just didn't try to talk about it because I thought if we did you'd feel obligated to give it to me straight away." He explains.

Woah. Okay.

"Really?" I grin.
"Obviously. Losing you the past three years just made me want it more."

"So the choice you made the night of the wedding wasn't an impulse decision?"

"Maybe a bit...but I was pretty certain. And now I am certain. I want you to have your dream life and I want to be apart of it." He says.

I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly.

"Whenever your ready." He tells me.
I pull away from the hug.
"I'm ready." I say.

His face lights up and a beautiful grin appears of his face. It's a different grin. One I've never seen before.

He cups my face with his hands and kisses me.

The kiss, just like his grin, is one I've never had before.
I feel like I say this with every kiss we have now but this one is actually different.

It's warm,safe,comforting and full of need,want and love. It's a euphoric feeling.

When I pull away I realise something.
"You need to talk to Stefan first. You need to make sure he's okay with this." I remind him.

"Elena...I can't. Because if he gets all emotional and says he can't lose me or something I'll break and won't be able to do this..."

"He wants you to be happy. He will want you to do this. Yes he obviously is scared of losing you but if you want it he'll be happy." I reassure him.

He nods, "I'll speak to him tomorrow. But now...I have an idea of what we could do." He smirks and pushes me back onto the bed, hovering over me.

I giggle before smashes his lips back onto mine.

Dear Diary

I can't believe this is happening...
Yesterday Damon told me he wants the cure for us. For me.

After - A Delena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now