23 - Brunch -

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Last night our luggage was brought to our room quite quickly and we immediately got changed to went to sleep.

We were exhausted and starting to feel the lovely feeling of jet lag.

I check the alarm clock, it's nearly eleven am.
I'm still a little tired but I'm too eager to see the city, as soon as I get a sip of coffee I'll be good.

"Damonnn" I groan, shaking him awake.
"Elenaaa." He groans back, mimicking me.

"I wanna go!" I whine like a small child.
"Go without me. I'm tired." Damon mumbles and I scoff.

"Nu uh. Get up."
He groans once again but his eyes open to look at me.

I stick my bottom lip out to make a pouty face, an attempt of guilt tripping him out of bed.

"You're evil." Damon remarks and I giggle.

I realise I actually want to shower before we leave, I feel gross after a nine hour flight.

So, luckily for Damon, I let him stay in bed a little longer while I shower.

The shower in this place is even fancier than ours at home. It could fit a dozen people inside with enough space to move around.

There's a literal thermometer where you can change the degrees of the water to however you want it.

After fumbling with the faucets I press the buttons on the thermometer until the waters a comfortable temperature, once it is, I step inside.


We're both freshly showered and ready to leave, I'm wearing a spaghetti strap, red tank top with a pair of denim shorts.

It's pretty much the thing I've been wearing the past month but it looks decent and is comfy.

When looking for something to wear I remember that I'm pregnant. It's crazy to me, but what's more crazy to me is that I kinda keep forgetting...

Is that normal?
Am I a bad person?

I'm not even thinking about it, let alone talking about it. Although I can't really talk about it, this trip is supposed to be a distraction for Damon to get away from his problems.

His problems being my pregnancy.

I know it's probably bad to just give him a distraction but I want to spend time with him, make memories before our lives change, forever.

"Earth to Elena."
Damon snaps me out of my thoughts and I look over at him.

We're in the elevator, going down to the lobby.

"Huh?, sorry." I say.
"It's okay, just thought it was odd because you stopped squealing in excitement for a minute." Damon explains with a slight chuckle at the end.

"I'm so excited!" I shriek, remembering where we are and what we're doing.

"Really? I had no clue." Damon gasps sarcastically causing me to giggle.

"So, Miss Gilbert, where would you like to go?" He asks just before the elevator doors slide open with a 'ding'.

"I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast, well, brunch, take me somewhere cute, like in the movies." I grin excitedly and we start walking through the parking lot.

"I have somewhere in mind." He smirks before pointing over to where the car is.

I squeal in excitement, yet again and Damon laughs under his breath.

We get inside and Damon presses a button that makes the roof lower until it's slid inside the car.

Damon drives out of the parking lot and as soon as we leave the Hotel my jaw drops at the view before me.

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