17 - Leading up -

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Dear Diary,

We saw an obstetrician yesterday,
I'm four weeks pregnant.

I still don't know how to feel about it...
I'm incredibly excited, that's for sure.

We saw the baby yesterday, a tiny dot.
A mark on the screen is our baby...

I immediately fell in love.

I just don't know how Damon feels.
He told me he's excited, that he'll comfort me through it all and that he's now ready.

But I don't believe him.
I can tell when he's lying, and this, it's not true.

He's not ready yet.
No way.

I just want him to tell me how he feels so I can be there for him, he's been there for me through so much.

Although, Damon Salvatore isn't great at expressing his feelings.

For over one hundred and seventy years he's kept his feelings in, masked them, disguised himself as an emotionless monster.

So now, he still tries to do that.
Well the first part.

Keep everything in.

I don't want him to.
Especially now he's human, it's not healthy.

Moving on from the depressing stuff...

Today we're telling everyone the news.
They're all coming over,
Caroline,Stefan,Bonnie,Enzo,Ric,Jo,Jeremy & Matt.

Even though Caroline and Bonnie know.
There's no way they'd miss the big reveal.

I'm worried how they'll react.
It's so soon.

I thought like this before I told Damon, yet, he reacted fine. Even if it wasn't real...

"We don't have to do it today if-." Damon tries to say before he's interrupted by me vomiting again.

I sit up and wipe my mouth with a wash cloth.

"We're doing this, today." I groan.
"It's just morning sickness." I remind him but he looks unsure.

"You haven't had it for the past couple days..." He says.

"That's not how it works, Damon. I'm going to have a shower and I'll feel completely fine. Promise." I assure him and he sighs, "Okay."

He helps me up from the floor and I start running the shower while Damon goes back into the bedroom.

He was doing this last night as well,
Trying to convince me to postpone telling everyone.

I really need to get him to tell me how he actually feels about all of this.

I step into the shower and the warm water seems to run the thoughts down the drain.


I get changed into a navy blue tank top and some denim shorts.

Then, go downstairs.
When I walk into the kitchen I see that Damon's made french toast and fruit.

He looks at me and smiles, I give him a smile back and grab a glass, pouring some apple juice.

"I could've done that." He says.
"Damon, it's fine." I smile, he's been trying to do everything for me.

Which is adorable.
But also annoying.

I take a seat at the island and he places a plate in front of me.

After - A Delena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now