36 - Announcment / 2 -

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Dear Diary,

I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I'm so over it.
Everything hurts, I'm constantly exhausted and need to pee 20 times an hour.

As a 'doctor in training' I know exactly what my body's going through right now, but I also know what it's soon going to go through.


I don't care if it's a 7 pound baby, that's still huge.
I've recently started to hate Damon for doing this to me, Caroline likes to remind me 'it's the miracle of life' but that doesn't help.

I keep telling myself only two weeks left, maybe sooner, but I swear to god if this baby is even a day late-

Fuck off.
"Elena, it's 2pm..." Damon whispers, rubbing my arm.

"I don't care," I groan, trying to go back to sleep.

It's really fun when all you wanna do is sleep but can't because you're too uncomfortable.

"We have guests coming any minute," He tells me and I open my eyes.

"What?" I ask, struggling to sit up.
"Bonnie and Enzo are making their announcement, so everyone is coming over, remember?"

Obviously not.

"Why's it always our house! It's their stupid announcement, have it at their stupid house!" I yell, standing up and going into the bathroom.

I hear Damon chuckle, "Laugh again and see what happens!"

He gets up from the bed and leaves the room.

Of course everyone is coming over, great, this is great.

I start rushing to get ready, which is hard when have a bowling ball attached to you.


I walked downstairs and saw that everyone except Bonnie and Enzo were here, convenient since it's their announcement.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"That'll be them," Damon says, walking towards the door. As soon as he opened the door, Bonnie threw his arms around him.

"Thank you," She mumbles.
"Of course," He smiles, hugging her back.

When she pulls away she walks over, hugging me too.
I see Enzo hug Damon.

What's going on?
Is this because we're hosting or whatever because everyone comes here for pretty much everything.

"So, we're going to do this straight away!" Bonnie says, I sit down on the couch and Damon does the same next to me, pulling me into his side.

Bonnie pulls something out of her pocket and puts it on her finger.

She then holds her hand up, "We're engaged!"
Many gasps are heard around the room.

Caroline and I get up straight away, running over and hugging her.

"I'm so happy for you!" Caroline yells,
"So am I," I grin.

When we pull away, Caroline gasps again but even louder.

"We're all engaged!" She squeals, jumping up and down in excitement, making Bonnie and I laugh.

I then realised something, turning to Damon,
"Did you know?" I ask him.

He nods, "Of course I knew, you think he could plan a proposal without me?"

"Yeah, we would've been screwed otherwise," Enzo says.

"This is what the phone calls were?" I ask and they nod.

"Yeah, and you kept getting suspicious," Damon groans as I sit back down, leaning into him.

"When you were texting me the other night I thought we were done for," Enzo adds as him and Bonnie sit down.

"This is amazing," Jo grins.
"We should get married," She says, looking at Ric.

"We are married," He replies, confused.
"I mean again or something, our wedding wasn't the best experience."

"Okay then," He smiles, kissing her.

"That leaves me and Matt," Jeremy says.
He looks over at Matt with a smirk,

"Don't even," Matt chuckles making us all laugh.

"This calls for alcohol!" Damon shouts, then looking at me, "Sorry," He mumbles, kissing me on the head before getting up and going to the cellar.

"Tequila. Hospital. As soon as I give birth." I tell everyone again.


A/N: Very short chapter again sorry! It's just another filler and I really wanted the engagement announcement to come before the birth.

Next chapter is exciting!

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