31 - Happy -

62 4 0

Short Chapter!

Damon's Pov

"I still don't know what to do," I tell Ric, taking a sip of my beer, "About what?" He asks.

"Work wise, I need a job."

"Not really, Elena's going to be working quite a lot, someone's needs to be at home with the baby," He answers.

"A stay at home dad? Ric, no," I shake my head, finishing off my beer, "Why don't you have bourbon?"

"When I go to the store I buy animal crackers and dino nuggets, we only have beer for when you're here."

"Invest in bourbon, for my sake," I groan.

"Look, being a stay at home dad might not seem appealing but after our luck with babysitters it's been the easiest for us, and I enjoy it." He says.

"Good for you, anyway, got job ideas for me?"


Elena's Pov

"Damon's been looking for a job," I tell them.
"A job?" Caroline asks, holding a bikini up to Bonnie.

Bonnie shakes her head and Care puts it down,
"Yeah," I reply.

"Who's going to be at home with the baby?" Bonnie holds a dress up to herself and looks in the mirror.

"I will, while I'm on maternity leave, then when I go back to work... I have no clue, But I'm not going to just tell him he can't get a job, a job will be good for him."

"Stefan and I are always here to help, especially me" Caroline smiles, "Same with me, and Enzo," Bonnie adds.

"Thank you," I smile gratefully.
"Now, help me pack!" Bonnie exclaims and I get up from her bed.

"Enzo's whisking you away then huh?" I ask.
"Mhm, he won't tell me where."

"Romantic, I love it," Caroline grins.


I walk through the front door, "Damon!" I call.
"Library!" He yells back.

When I walk in he's sat in his chair, reading.
I sit on the arm of the chair and he pulls me onto his lap, putting the book down.

"Hi," I smile, He pulls me down, kissing my lips.


"I'm excited for Christmas," I grin as Damon gets into bed next to me.

"Of course you are," Damon chuckles.
"Oh my god!" I squeal.

I look over at Damon, "At Christmas we're going to have a baby."

"Really?" He says sarcastically.
"I love Christmas," I lay my head on his chest.

"You tired?" He asks and I shake my head,

"Why are we in bed then?" I ask, looking up at him.
"I don't know, I know something we could do if we're not tired though..." He smirks.

"You need a sex cleanse, you're cut off," I smile, sitting up and grabbing a book from the bedside table.

"Ugh, you're mean when you're pregnant," He groans, sitting up, "Really? A pregnancy book over me?" He gestures down his body and I roll my eyes.

He grabs a book and starts reading, when I glance over I see that he's reading a baby book, with parenting tips. I smile, then laugh when I see him squinting to read it.

"What?" He looks over at me.
"Struggling to read there grandpa? Need your glasses?"

"Shut up," He looks back at the book and I look back at mine.


"Damon!" I shriek and he drops his book, looking over at me, "What!?" He exclaims.

It takes me a second to realise what's happening, when I do, a large grin spreads across my face, I place my hand on my stomach and feel it.

"Feel," I say, taking his hand and placing it on my bump.

"Is that-?"
"The baby, kicking," I grin.

He has a look of awe and amazement in his eyes as he looks back and forth at my face and my stomach.

In this moment, I'm happy, just simply happy.

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