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Hello everyone! I'm on a roll with updates. I have not edited the past chapters or this chapter so if you find a mistake just let me know and I'll fix it. Spitelout is gonna be a OOC, just a heads up! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Dad, I'm not going on the trip to find the dragon nest..." I stared at my dad, preparing myself for one of his outbursts. He stopped packing my things and turned to look at me. "WHAT, why, what are you going to do?! Is that what Stoick wanted to tell you!?" I winced and explained, "He wants me to stay behind with Gobber and train the kids." I looked up expecting to see a disappointed scowl but instead I was met with a defeated look he sat down on my bed, it creaked quietly under him, "son... I was looking forward to our first trip together and I know you've always wanted to explore the world and this would've been the first step to that dream but I can't do anything about the Chief's decision." He was surprisingly calm and very clearly upset.

I sat down next to him, my bed creaked once again from my added weight, "it's ok, dad, atleast I can keep an eye on Snotlout and make sure he doesn't get himself killed." That got a laugh from him, I soon joined in. My laugh and his echoed throughout the room. "Ok then, I'll get you something from the trip like I usually do." I smiled and nodded "that would be nice." 'Maybe a seashell or a dragon scale that I can add to my collection.'

He stood up and placed a hand on my head, "I'll be back." I let out a hum of agreement, "I know." I watched him as he exited my room. As soon as I could no longer hear his footsteps I stood up and checked under my pillow. A sigh of relief escaped my lips 'thank the gods he didn't find them'. in my hands I had twelve letters, all from the same person. Dagur the Deranged, son of Oswald the Agreeable and future chief of the berserkers. I held the letters close to my chest. I hadn't answered a single letter but Dagur continued to send them and I kept every single one. They started to arrive a few weeks after his last visit. I don't know why they started but I felt slightly bashful whenever a new one arrived, not that I'd ever let anyone know.

I heard the floor boards outside my door creak and quickly hid the letters under the pillow. "Hey Y/n~, you got any secret techniques I could use tomorrow to impress Astrid?" Snotlout looked at me with hope and his usual admiration. "No, you should focus on the training." He lazily walked towards my bed and sat down hands behind his head, completely relaxed. "Come on! You have all the girls in the village obsessed with you! You have to have a tip, help me out here." I looked down at him and remembered when he was just a wee babe that I carried in my arms. I sighed and patted his head gently. "Snotlout, listen to me, I want you to forget about girls and focus on becoming a strong warrior. Then and only then I will help you find a suitable partner." A small pout formed on his face. "Why can't I look for a partner while training to become a warrior?"

"Because, Training requires your utmost attention. And you need to be able to protect your family." Snotlout was still a boy with no life experience and as his brother it was my duty to make sure he learns. "Imagine training as your partner who demands attention." Snotlout nodded, "ok I will focus on training." I smiled at him as he made himself comfortable on my bed. It seemed that I will be a victim of the infamous cuddle attack for tonight.

He cuddled into me as he fell asleep. I wished I could live like this forever but I knew it would be impossible. We would grow and change. I feared this.


"Welcome to Dragon Training!" I stood next to Gobber. I made sure not to show how nervous I was. I, Y/n the Bloodthirsty, slayer of dragons, feared warrior of Berk was very much nervous of failing to teach this kids.

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