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I can finally update this! Sorry for making all you guys wait so long.
Anyway this a/n is gonna be pretty short. I hope this is up to standard. I have edited some previous chapters and the Yule special. I want to try finish this before the end of this year.


I watched as Hiccup ran off again from his confused classmates. He scuttled away from the peering gazes that followed his form. I half expected to turn around and catch my gaze, tell me what happened, for him to explain how he just ushered the green monster into the cage as if it was just- just a little child.

'A little rebellious child.'

I looked towards the reinforced door that hid the Hideous Zippleback from view. It seemed almost terrified of Hiccup.
Hiccup. My little helpless cousin. It was scared of him. But how? He'd be the target of any dragon from a group of rowdy vikings. He was clearly the smallest threat.

My stomach churned. Something was wrong.

"Snotlout, follow me." I walked out the training arena. I love Hiccup but I won't let my brother fall behind.

"Did you see what he did? Can you do that too Y/n? Teach me!"
I shook my head no one could do that. At least not meagre framed children. To be able to that they need to reek of danger and cruelty. And that was not Hiccup.


I pat Snotlout's head once we arrived to our hut. "I told you to stop. Stop focusing on Astid. Or any female for that matter. What if that stupid act was what got you killed!?"

"Calm down! Geez, I'm sorry. Ok? I'll try harder."

I sighed. I wanted to gut Gobber for his stupid teaching techniques. There was no emergency spare water bucket and all I had was a blunt seax.
Now I wanted to smash my own under-prepared head into the nearest tree. Why would I only bring a seax!? Especially to dragon training.

I need to be better than that. These children rely on me to keep them safe it would be unforgivable if something happened to them because I failed to prepare, something that can be easily avoided.

"I just want you to be safe. I won't be here forever and you can't trust anyone to save you. Especially if it's life-threatening situation."
My hands were now on his shoulders, I forced him to stare at my eyes.

"People will most likely priorities themselves, we're a selfish species. Very greedy."

I could see him cringe and squirm, and eventually concede to his older brother's wishes and will.

"I know and I will. I promise you." His tone changed. Gone was his annoyed voice and instead he was sincere.

I smiled.

"Ok time to train chicken legs!"

Snotlout groaned, I laughed.

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