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Hello everyone! How have you been updates from this point onwards will be slow and shorter because I'm now very busy. I will update whenever I can tho! Sorry for the inconvenience. Remember to go to the 'A/N & key' for extra information about the book. ¤This chapter does mention blood¤


I watched as Snotlout hit the dummy repeatedly with his wooden sword. He let out dramatic yells with every hit, entirely focused on his opponent. His hair was wet from the sweat that trickled down his face. Usually at this point he would've started to complain.

"Do you think that Hiccup was in the wrong today?"

"Huh? I mean yea. He should've been paying attention, obviously."

Snotlout stared at me clearly annoyed and confused about me bringing Hiccup up so suddenly. "I agree with you partly. Hiccup should've been paying attention in that kind of environment but Astrid should've handled it better."

"Why? It was stupid Hiccup who was in the way."

I sighed, "they are partners when fighting a war, they should be as close as family out there but you all show none of that in training."

I looked at my little brother, he didn't understand. "How about I fight you for a while?" I said changing the subject.

"Really?! I'm gonna mop the floor with you!"


I sat around the fire holding a chicken leg above the crackling flames. Gobber was telling a story but his time I wasn't paying attention, I've heard this one before. Many times. I was focused on my food, it had to be perfectly cooked or I would have to feed it to Snotlout instead.

I took a bite out of my chicken and instantly felt better. The inside of the meat was slightly chewy, and the flavour of the skin tickled my tongue as it crunched under my teeth.
It was perfect. I loved food especially flavourful meat. I was in my own little world enjoying my food to the fullest.

I was snapped out of it when Snotlout boldly claimed that he would avenge Gobber's "beautiful hand and beautiful foot." I let out a chuckle, desperately trying to muffle my laughter.

"I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight, with my face!" I sent him and amused glare making sure he noticed. "And their wings!" He quickly added. I nodded.

"Good, it the wings and tails you really want. If it can't fly. It can't get away." Gobber said while ripping of the wing of his chicken. "A downed dragon is a dead dragon."

I observed the kids, noticing the look of worry and guilt on Hiccup's face. 'Why is he worried?'

"Alright, I'm of to bed. You should be too." Letting out a loud yawn. "Tomorrow we ge to the big boys, slowly but surely making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare."

Everyone looked excited at this, everyone but Hiccup. I panicked inside as I realised he had disappeared, only leaving his fish-on-a-stick behind.

"But who'll win the honor of killing it?" Gobber continued ominously. He definitely knew how to motivate a group.

"It gonna be me. It's my destiny. See." Tuffnut Said placing his food down and winking at us. He showed of his "tattoo" making Fishlegs gasp. "Your mom let you get a tattoo?" He said I utter disbelief.

"It's not a tattoo, it's a birthmark." Tuffnut denied. Ruffnut didn't believe him, "I've been stuck with you since birth and that was never there before."

"Yes, it was you've just never seen me from the left side until now."

I saw Astrid stand up and look down the stairs. She's realised that Hiccup has disappeared. I wonder what she'll do?
She quickly returned back to her seat, probably not caring enough to do anything.

I focused on my food again, my mind wondering to a certain Deranged redhead.

I smiled.

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