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I'm thinking of making longer chapters in advance like I use to before and then publish them after a while. Would that be unfair though? I just want everyone's thoughts on this.

I'm forgetting the order of the movie and I really can't watch anymore HTTYD as I'm beginning to get sick of it. Please forgive me for the layout of this book now.


Something is happening. I feel it in my bones, the ache of anxiety warning me to watch out but I don't know what I should be weary of.

I felt it overtake me as Hiccup performed another miracle. I felt hypnotised by his movements much like how the terrible terror was with the beam of light. It followed it so eagerly like a cat. It willingly walked back into it's imprisonment, at Hiccup's silent command. Hiccup instilled his will over a dragon. Sure it was a meagre one but still, it was an irrational creature that did not follow the command of a human.

Perhaps Hiccup proved that sentiment, at least the irrational part of it but he made me begin to question the basic teachings of dragon nature that I had been taught. The lessons that branded my very being began to quiver under my worrying thoughts.

What do I do?


I prepared quickly to treck back to the cove where Toothless was hidden, before I felt guilty again.

Guilty for keeping such a huge secret from Y/n. Guilty for purposely ignoring him. I could feel him become more and more worried as the days passed simply from the tone of his voice whenever he spoke. I refused to even look anywhere near him unless necessary because I knew if I saw him I'd have to tell him.

It was still light out and class had ended early because of how quickly I had dealt with the mischievous little dragon.

I had to escape from the others. I never thought that I, runt of the littler Hiccup, would have to escape the attention of admiring teenagers.
It felt kind of nice.

I left my hut with just my notebook and charcoal pencil. I just wanted to relax with Toothless for a bit. Maybe record more of my findings.
'Yeah that sounded nice.'


Out of pure instinct I froze. Snotlout.

He reached me fast. I didn't have time to get out of my frozen state and make a run for it. And when I finally did he was in front of me with an annoyed almost angry face.

"Uh- Y-yeah Snotlout? What up?" I felt my voice crack at the end of my sentence and nerves riddled my being.

He grabbed me and shoved me into wall of a nearby building. "Wha-"

"Listen, I don't know what you're doing but stop. You're worrying Y/n. He's become less there and I know it has something to do with you and your freakish improvement. Not to mention you ignoring him."


"What you think that just because your good in the arena that now your above him? Well think again because he's too good for you. Always has been."

"What? No! I don't think that." I made sure to lower my voice at the end, I didn't want to attract anyone by making a commotion.

But Snotlout had already let go of me and turned to go wherever he had to be.

"Yeah right. Finally got a taste of success and now you think your some hot shot? Y/n was even better when he was in the arena."

I felt sad. I felt as if Snotlout was right. Maybe subconsciously I had begun to think I'm better than everyone? Because I was experiencing something only I could experience. 

But better than Y/n?

No. I couldn't. I owe him a lot. I mean he's the only one who actually showed me acceptance and thought I was worth something.

I had to tell him.

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