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Hello again! Sorry for such a long break I'm currently in a very important stage of my life that if I screw up my life will basically end. Would you go into a book shop that was called 'Yuí and Tima'? Also should I try do a Christmas better yet Yule special for this book?


I layed in my bed, tired. I slept my usual amount, my routine has stayed the same. Maybe not the same but not different enough for it to affect me. So why was I tired?

I felt as if my brain is hitting the walls of my skull and my eyes seem to be desperate to close and return to sleep but I can't sleep when I try. I feel weak.

I'm already running late so I'm going to have to adjust my schedule. Perhaps I could increase night training? No. That would make me even more tired. I'm just going to have to miss out morning training.

I felt more tired than usual but that would simply have to be ignored. I quietly crept towards my window, the sun was still new so I still have some time before I have to wake Snotlout up.
I went back to my bed and looked underneath.

There was a small wooden box, very simple and easy to ignore bu it was what I had inside that I valued. I took of the lid and peered inside. Letters. My letters.

I carefully took one out to read, it the latest Dagur had sent me and I couldn't help but feel flustered by his words but as a reached the bottom my feelings of worry resurfaced. What plan? And what did he mean "prove his worthiness"?

I knew he had feelings for me but I had never truly taken it seriously, I enjoyed his flattery and attention, yes but that didn't mean I returned his feelings.

I simply have too much here to go and run off to berserker Island with Dagur. I liked him but love was something else entirely. Either way I'm too incompetent in the field of romance. Yes I know I liked him more than you should a friend but it still wasn't love.

I thought back to the moment when he had confessed, attempting to make sense of my reaction and what it meant to me now. I found it helpful to observe something with your genuine feeling in mind instead of being unbiased and emotionless.


Dagur grabbed my wrist, holding my hand between both of his.
I was distracted, my thoughts were busy with our cuddling. I was flustered and happy. I didn't understand what that meant. I had never been treated so intimately, even with my family.
But his words gained my entire attention onto him.

"I love you. I promise that one day we'll marry eachother and lay in bed together every morning and night. That I'll stay by your side and fight for you until we eventually enter valhalla together where we'll spend the rest of eternity together without anything coming between us again. Berserker promise."

He softly hit his chest with one of his fists, still holding onto my hand with his other.

I was in a state of utter shock, but his past actions had become clearer, everything made sense.
Why he tried to steal me whenever he visited, his not-so-hidden glares he threw at Hiccup when I dotted on my darling little cousin. Why he was nicer to me compared to his nasty behaviour towards everyone else. Originally I thought that it was because I had gained his respect (ignoring the fact that he treated me better than his own father).

I could feel my face burn with embarrassment, I felt small in that moment, so very small. However, now that I look back it wasn't only embarrassment it was also happiness.

"I'm very confused Dagur. I did not realise that you felt this way. I'm sorry for not realising. However- ."

"I'm gonna stop right there I just made a berserker promise. A promise that will never be broken, so we will marry eventually, my-"

This time I interrupted him.

"Ok, ok."
I held up my hands trying to gain his attention from whatever fantasy in his mind.

"But- know that I'm not ready for any relationship with you. If you are serious then I will be too. Just don't do anything too extreme. I like you but I don't love you, remember there's a difference. When I say that I love you, then you'll have won. You'll be Dagur my beloved for the rest of our lives and in valhalla also"

A smile etched onto his face, it was wide and full of joy. I felt my own smile form at the sight. My face cooled down and I was at peace with the outcome.

Until I wasn't.


I still didn't know what to do and time has left my aid. I had to continue with my day and return to this another time.

Dagur x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now