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Hello everyone. This chapter will hopefully be able to build up the relationship between [Name] and Snotlout.
-> Y/n will be changed to [Name] from this point forward.


I layed in the grass, just staring out into the open plain of the night sky with Snotlout next to me. I pointed out every shimmering star apart of a constellation, told him the meanings and stories behind each and everyone.

This tradition begun on the first search for the dragon nest that Snotlout noticed and realised father's sudden absence. He only five and the time but he'd become so attached to father and already craved his contant approval.

Star-gazing was a nice and tranquil activity he'd grown fond of and he liked to join me whenever I planned to bathe in the peace of the night with stars for company. This ritual wasn't restricted to when there were nest searches but instead whenever dragon raids weren't active. These precious nights were rare and we didn't want to risk wasting them.

"Hey, [Name]?" His voice was quite like it usually was during these nights but with a somber undertone hidden under the whisper.

I hummed in recognition. Too groggy to properly answer.

"Why...why do you care about Hiccup more than me?"


I sat up, completely shocked. I stared at my little brother, confusion and guilt muddled together as I tried to form words. Had I really neglected him so much? I couldn't believe it. Snotlout was my priority above all else, I cared and loved him as if he was myself but I still allowed these thoughts to enter his mind.

What have I been doing?

"Why do you think that? I care for you the most." I said as I pulled him into my lap, holding him like I did when we were younger.

I pulled his hair out of his face like how I saw our mother do once when he was a babe.

I miss his babe-self.

"It's just, you always fret over him and you always make sure he safe even when it might hurt you. He's always made a priority and I know he's on your mind at least once a day as if you're his dad. It's not fair." His voice changed with every sentence, new emotions arriving to mix with previous ones before, his voice weak and sad.

"Oh Snotlout. I'm so sorry. Hiccup is just vulnerable and I care about him so I like to make sure he's alright but I don't mean to do that at the expense of you. I understand that this is not an excuse and I'll try my best to do better. Thank you for letting me know how you feel. Thank you for trusting me."

He looked at me, then went back to looking up at the sky. "I want to sleep now."

That was my cue. I began to hum a tune that our mother used to lull us to sleep whenever we burrowed ourselves into her when we couldn't sleep. I think it was a song, but I had long forgotten the lyrics.

"Thanks [Name], g'night."

And with that snotlout fell asleep on [Name]'s chest, leaving his brother to manage his scrambled ashamed thoughts. How could he allow this? And how could he make it up to Snotlout.


I left Snotlout home to rest in the mountain of furs made of both Snotlout's and his own.

It was early, the sun had just begun to creep up from underneath the world, diluting the dark blue and blacks of the sky into soft purples and warm pinks. Truly a beautiful sight, almost as gorgeous as the night sky.

The grass crunched underneath each step. [Name] felt like he'd been hit by a rouge stampede of yaks and then rammed into by wild boars.
He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, too anxious to comfortably lay in bed. It swirled around his stomach, pinching and stabbing inside him.

His steps heavy as he lugged around the weight of his body.

He decided he was going to head to the arena and make sure everything was alright and ready. Tomorrow would be the selection and the day everyone would be due back from their adventure.

"Hey [Name], uh, how are you?" A wild Hiccup appeared in front of me.

It was odd. He'd been ignoring me for the past few days and been sneaking around the village and now out of the blue he's in front of me nervously stringing together pleasantries.

"I have been fine. Do you need something?" I felt my left eyebrow raise slightly.

Hiccup played with his hands in a nervous fashion. "[Name]- uhh I need to show you something. Its very important."

The two trudged on into the forest, little rays of sunlight spilling onto their path through the foliage.

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