Ch. 14

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I'M BACKK! This a decent sized chapter, and I pretty proud of this. I needed to get a chapter out while I'm on this writing high before I get another block because those last too long. Hope you enjoy!


The gods, they test me. Or, maybe, I'm just amusing to them, they'd like to see me break and crack as chaos asserts itself within my life.
'Did I slight Loki? Was it my attitude towards the twins? I'll apologise, I promise.'

Hiccup, he stood infront of me with that stupidly endearing smile of his. My little cousin, I have yearned to see that genuine smile for a while now but why is it in this situation.
Why is there a nightfury standing behind you like how I did once. No, I could never have the steely eyes of that demon, even when I stood by you to defend you from the glares of villagers. I'm human, that, that is a.. an embodied threat to our existence.

I reached out and grabbed Hiccup by his shirt, dragging him tome before throwing him behind me. "Run, I don't know what you're thinking but never trust a dragon." I kept my voice low as I pulled out my dagger.
It was my only weapon, by a weapon is better than no weapon.

"NO! Calm down [Name]. He's not going to hurt me." My scrawny cousin gripped onto my shoulder as he returned to his original position, holding his hand out to me to calm me. As if I was the unpredictable danger.
As if the nightfury did not growl and bare his teeth. Less trust in me than the beast?

For a few moments it was just me, Hiccup and the beast, together in a cove all alone where it'd take a while for anyone to trek to, that's if they even planned to come to this specific location. I was at a great disadvantage.

"Never truly trust anyone boyo, I got some of my worst scars from people I loved like family. No one can hurt you as bad as when it's from someone who holds your heart."

This is what my father told me when I was young, I was eleven and stupid. Naïve to what the world wanted of me, I was curious of my father's body, it held a map of scars. I didn't have any. So I asked how they came to be.

It seemed I'd forgotten that lesson.
It's fine though, Hiccup would never intentionally harm me. "Hiccup, explain."
I'd use his emotions to get out of this Web, that dragon would be as good as dead by the time I draw my final breath.

"[Name]..." His voice was a whine, I guess he could read me better than I thought. "This is Toothless, he's my friend."

"A friend? Hiccup you should've come to me sooner." He didn't respond, so I continued. Questions were started to set up camp in my mind, I needed to evict them before they drove me mad. "How did this happen? When did this happen?"


Time had passed, rarely did I let Hiccup leave my sight. I would not let him run off to play pet with a dragon unsupervised. But now I faced the difficult decisions as I watched the boats reach the harbour.

Each of them were damaged in some way and there were a few less ships than when they set out, more casualties. Hopefully no Jorgensons.

Do I tell Stoick. He is the boy's father, rightful guardian despite his poor completion of this duty. His son, had gone of and tamed a nightfury. He says befriend, stresses the term. I had let him go visit the thing but I would always watch, never would I part both of my hands from a weapon, but I realised there was a bond between them. Like what I had with the cat who use to come hunt mice and birds with me when I was a boy.

'What happened to her?' That was hardly the most pressing issue, Stoick had returned and the villagers adored Hiccup. He had spectacularly surprised them with his unique and effective techniques of subduing the dragons, they all rushed to coddle what they believed was a natural talent for dragon killing.
No one but me knew the truth.

"Boyo, what's with the long face? Is my little ickle baby boy finally stumped, met his match? Need the wisdom of his handsome father?"

Yes. I do, I desperately need help. But I can't tell you, can't tell anybody because that could jeopardise Hiccup. He's finally been accepted by his community, I can't take that away from him. So instead I say, "Nothing I can't handle Pa'. Does my father miss my pestering?"

That gets a laugh, when I was younger I'd be throwing a question at him evey minute of every day. I'd cooled down now, something he used to yearn for, a chance at rest without the pester of his son. I guess the irony had finally set in. But, then he threw me a look. He knew I was keeping something from him.

Would he press me?

"Go get me something hot to drink, something that'll throw my mind for a loop. Need to relax after the trip." He was letting me off the hook.

I tried to appear calm as I went to complete the order.


They were choosing the finalist today, I kept my mouth shut. Except for when I apologised to a confused pair of twins, who'd never thought I could be so remorseful and expressive. But, like they always did, they took it in stride. Forgiving me for something they didn't even understand why I was apologising for.
Hopefully that'd appease the wrath of Loki. Cool the ire I'd let simmer for far too long.

Snotlout stood close to me, he didn't make it to the final two. He was the most recent 'expulsion', Spitelout made it seem as though he expected it. I consoled both who were distraught at the news the night of my brother's disqualification.

"I tried [Name]! I really did, I promise I did. Never even looked at Astrid! Please, please don't think I took you for granted! I did everything you said. Don't let dad think I let you down!"

"What happened [Name]! I left you in charge of him, he didn't even make it to the final two! I was so sure he could do it! You were one of the teachers! Is this what you were worried about earlier, why didn't you tell me?"

Spitelout didn't mean to be harsh, father always was a bit more sensitive when tense. He had a new scare when he came back. I don't take it to heart.

"Who you think got a better chance? I bet on the Hofferson, I know you got a soft spot for Stoick's spawn but he can't do much against a Gronckle with those arms."

I said "Hiccup", but I hoped it was Astrid.

It was Hiccup, Hiccup had made the Gronckle fall to its side like a puppy begging for a scratch. People cheered as the lifted him to the air, all eyes were on him. All but mine, because mine were on the Gronckle.

'What do I do now? He won't kill the monstrous nightmare.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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