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Hello everyone! This is gonna be a short chapter from Dagur's POV. Just to make things more clear, at the beginning of the chapter Dagur has only visited Berk once before and has yet to meet Y/n. Also please tell me if you spot any mistake in this chapter.
TW: blood, violence and slight obsession.


"What do you think you are doing?! Stay away from Hiccup!" I looked at the boy infront of me. He couldn't be any older than me. He punched me hard and then pushed me to the ground when he saw me playing with dear old Hiccup.

He didn't even look at me before fretting like a mother over dear Hiccup. I stared hatred bubbling inside me already spouting outwards in the form of a loathing glare as blood dripped down from my nose like a snake before reaching my chin.

I felt each drop of blood fall off me and land on the ground.

'I could just stab him right now. I have a knife in my boot.'

But then he turned to face me.

The way he stared at me made me feel special. I could feel the smile forming on my face as hate disappeared, replaced with something else. His eyes were beautiful.

I wanted more of his attention.

I stood up. "I was just playing with Hiccup. Isn't that right Hiccup"

I stared at Hiccup, once the boy turned away from me and stared at Hiccup with a questioning look.

I sent cold glare at Hiccup. He gulped and nodded. "Y-yea Y/n don't worry. W-we just got... a little rough."

'He could've done better.' I continued to stare at the boy who had turned to look at me again. He seemed to be unconvinced but didn't push further.

Is he the reason Hiccup always seemed anxious when hanging out with me? Could Hiccup not want this boy to see him as weak? The thought was amusing because Hiccup was weak even without me.

I felt hatred bubble within me as the boy looked over Hiccup.

'That's strange.'

"Please be more careful Hiccup" I hated that the fish-bone boy was getting the attention of... 'what did Hiccup call him?'...Y/n.

I observed the boy he seemed like a fighter. He was muscular and was strong, after all he was able to push me to the ground. A strong warrior, like a berserker.

I wanted to take him home with me.

Y/n came closer to me and put his hand out. "I am Y/n Jorgenson also known as Y/n the bloodthirsty." It was only then that I realised that he had used what I hoped was dragon blood to draw simple patterns on his face and arms. He was WAY better than all the lame kids I had met the last time I was here. I took his hand in my own, they were callous from all the training he must do.

"I am Dagur Oswaldson. Yknow, future chief of the beserkers." I felt had a smug smile now. My cheeks felt awkward because of the stretching and I could feel a sense of heat fill them out as Y/n stared at me.


I hid behind a tree I watched in fascination as Y/n trained. By now I had memorised Y/n timetable when I came over. This was the benefit of observing someone who was extremely organised. I learned that the short kid, Snotkid, was his younger brother, that Y/n took care of Hiccup, I even found out that Y/n had been bathed in dragon blood when he was just a babe by his dad for good fortune and that when he killed his monstrous nightmare at the end of dragon training he was covered in blood and that's why he was called bloodthirsty.

The more I learned about Y/n, the more I wanted to take him with me. My first attempt was foiled by my dad and Stoick. I wanted to strangle both of them for getting in the way but knew it would only get me in more trouble.


"Dagur!" A rage filled voice shouted. Y/n punched me, causing me to lose my footing and fall into the water. I quickly stood up, coughing. The water only reached my knees when I stood up. I turned around and saw Y/n patting Hiccup's back.

"I was just teaching him to swim Y/n." I pouted, as I got out of the water. Y/n followed after me with Hiccup latching onto him. I scowled at Hiccup being carried by Y/n like a babe.

Y/n placed Hiccup back onto solid ground gently as if he was a fragile treasure. I hated it. I hated Hiccup. "Dagur, don't do this again. Hiccup is younger and can't keep up with your aggressive teaching methods." His voice was cold and authoritative there was no room for disagreement.

I loved it.


"Dagur, do you want to join me in training today?" I felt my heart speed up. Y/n was paying me attention. "Yes, I would like to see what kind of training you do to be able to have such strength." I already knew what he did for training. I had watched him train before.

I walked with him into the forest and into a small clearing. My heart continued to race. I could hear it in my ears. I was quickly knocked out of my trance when I saw Y/n charge at me, fist ready to swing. I quickly doged but Y/n seemed to have predicted this as he quickly changed from a punch to a kick. He was able to kick me in my knee. I recovered quickly and punched him in his stomach.

Y/n seemed to be in a small state shock. I had knocked the air out of him. I took advantage of this and kicked him in his knee as payback. However he seemed to come back to his senses just before I could punch him in his face and punched me in the face instead.

We continued to brawl, neither of us willing to admit defeat. I let out a cackle as I landed another hit. It felt so good to have someone who could keep up with me.

Y/n charged at me and knocked me down. He had me pinned down to the ground. 'He's so close.' He was breathing heavily worn-out from our fight. It seemed as though the world paused. There was no sound of animals scuttling around just our tired breathing. I observed him. His sweat had ruined the painted patterns on his face. His lip was bleeding and I could see a bruise forming on his cheek. 'Even like this he looked perfect.'

His face was only inches apart from mine and our bodies were intertwined. I could hear my heart beating louder. Y/n seemed to be too tired to think and rested his foreshead on mine.

I didn't want to separate and decided to wrap my arms around him when he let them go. He didn't protest and let me. We both laid on the ground my arms and now legs wrapped around him as Y/n face was hidden in my chest, his arms were also wrapped around me.

I loved this.

I loved Y/n.


I was now back home. I had tried to take Y/n with me but was stopped by Stoick and my dad. I grumbled curses under my breath at the memories. I was so close.

An I idea formed in my brain. I should write a letter to Y/n. I quickly stole some parchment from my dad's room and began to write.


He hasn't answered. I have sent multiple letters but not a single one had been answered. Perhaps he couldn't get a hold of any parchment? Or maybe he was too nervous to answer? Or he could be too busy taking care of useless Hiccup.

I had to figure a method to get a response.

Don't worry Y/n. I'll see you soon.

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