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Hello everyone! What did you think of last chapter and the letter? Remember this plot isn't exactly the same as the original HTTYD, anything is possible. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Grey waves hit the sides of the ships. Thin fog hugged the fleet in silence. Only the quiet creaking of the boats and the soft footsteps of vikings could be heard.

"I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady." A large bearded man said, cutting the silence with his voice like a heated knife slicing through yak butter. "Take us in." He commanded.

"Hard to port... for Helheim's gate." The fog thickened enveloping the longships entirely.

A sudden lightning struck, revealing a silhouette of a large dragon.


My stomach felt weird. I felt like I was going to be sick. Something happened. Something bad

The world was eerily quite. Not even a naïve bird was singing its annoyingly sweet melody.

I quickly got ready for the day and walked outside. The sun was still in the process of rising creating a very melancholic ombre in the sky. 'I should prepare some firewood.'

I spent the early morning cutting logs and making them a suitable fire fuel. I continued chopping the wood until my arms were sore and the sun had fully risen.

'Time to wake up Snotlout.' I was giddy at the prospect, practically skipping to Snotlout's basement. I pulled the thin blanket of my brother, "Time to wake up! We have to prepare you for today's training!" He groaned as he got ot of bed, clearly annoyed with my actions. "Why did you do that! I need my beauty sleep, I know it's hard to believe but I have to work hard to look this good." He placed a hand on his chest and posed.

I let out a chuckle, I'm such a good brother. I ruffled his hair making him to slap my hand softly. "Your clothes are on your chair. I'll wait for you outside, be quick." He was muttering as I left the room, I closed the behind me gently.
'Should we use weapons or not? Such difficult decisions.' I looked at my axe laying against the wall. 'Not today. I still need to get one for Snotlout.'

I smiled as I exited my house, again. It had gotten quite chilly, not terribly cold but enough for me to go back inside and change into a shirt with sleeves.

Snotlout was taking his sweet time getting ready. I was about to charge into his room and drag him outside when he finally came outside. I had my arms folded and an annoyed face by then. "Listen Y/n, I'm sorry but your outfit choice for me just wouldn't do."

'He's so dead.'


I looked up at Gobber at Y/n, "Hey, you know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on nightfuries. I-is there like another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little nightfury pamphlet?" I was shot at by the blazing flame of a nadder before I was able to continue.

"Focus Hiccup!" Y/n yelled, clearly agitated at my near death. "You're not even trying!" Gobber continued. I let out a small yell as the nadder focused on me and began to charge.

'Left- no right!' I ran with my burnt axe- now stick and shield. The nadder hit on my tail jumping from wall to wall. "Today is all about attack!" Gobber seemed quite gleeful at this. "Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter!"
"Remember that nadders are able to shoot venomous spikes from their tail with great accuracy!" Y/n yelled at us over the roars of the nadder. His warning was a little late as Fishlegs was shot at with those spikes he ran yelling holding his shield high.

"I'm really beginning to question your guys' teaching methods!" He was ignored by both teachers. "Look for its blind spot! Every dragon has one." Gobber said while picking something from in-between his teeth. "Find it hide in it and strike!"

The twins were the one who found it. Standing right infront of the blue beast. "Do you ever bathe?" Ruffnut asked. "If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot." Tuffnut countered, pushing back Ruffnut's shield.

"How about I give you one?" Ruffnut threatened simultaneously getting out of the blindspot. Both were oblivious to this fact and continued to butt heads (literally) until the nadder growled. They ran immediately, the nadder close behind.

"Blind spot, yes. Deaf spot, not so much." Gobber seemed bored and Y/n seemed to have lost hope in us.

As I passed by them I asked, "How would one sneak up on a nightfury?" Both seemed annoyed at my lack of focus. "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. Now Get in there!"

"I know, I know, but hypothetically..."
"Hiccup!" My attention was immediately grabbed by Astrid who was accompanied by Snotlout. "Get down." She whispered and Snotlout motioned with his grey and black shield.

They both pushed back against the wall hiding themselves from the creature as mush as possible.

Astrid used her shield to roll to safety, quickly followed by Snotlout. However when I tried I failed due to my lack of muscle. 'Maybe I should've taken Y/n up on that training offer.' I wasn't able to ponder on that thought because the nadder spotted me. It missed me by a uncomfortably small amount with its jaws.

It jumped back onto the top of the walls.

I found my way back infront of Gobber and Y/n. "So about that nightfury pamphlet.-" "stop it Hiccup you need to pay attention or you'll find yourself a one way ticket to Helheim's gate."

I heard the yell of Astrid and the heavy steps of a running dragon getting closer. The nadder hit the wall in pursuit of Astrid, creating a domino effect.
"No! It took me FOREVER to set those up!" Y/n screamed in anguish, quickly comforted by Gobber who rubbed his back in empathy.

I made the very dumb decision of ignoring my fourth near death experience that day and continued questioning the moping Y/n and now an even-more annoyed-Gobber.

"HICCUP!" Gobber yelled. I turned to see Astrid jumping from wall to wall with the nadder following quickly after.

I wasn't able to react other than letting out a panicked sound as Astrid fell onto me while yelling my name.

As the dust quickly cleared I saw that her axe was stuck onto my shield. "Ooh! Love on the battlefield." Tuffnut mocked. "She could do better." His twin stated.

"Let me...W-why don't you?" She completely ignored me. All she had to do was stand up and use both her hands. She pushed against my face inflicting pain onto me, "Aaah!"

She quickly stood up only to see the nadder getting up from the rubble. She let out a gasp before stepping on the shield and pulling the handle of her axe. Indirectly stepping on my shoulder. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" She attempted to separate my shield from her axe one more time by stepping on my face before grabbing the weapons and quickly smashing them on the nadder that was charging at us.

I layed on the ground adrenaline pumping throughout my body. I watched as the nadder walked away, deterred from attacking.

"Well done Astrid."

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?" I stared at her, nervous and confused. "Our parents' war is about to become ours." The rest of her gang walked to her side. Once again I felt lonely. "Figure out which side you're on." She stated while pointing her axe at my head.

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