Chapter 2

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"What?! How dare they?!"

Harper shouted after hearing the story about my discovery about the relationship between Ronald and Paisley.

"My Lady, we need to kill them!" Harper once again shouted.

Harper was my personal maid who I had grown up with.

Her mother was my mother's closest maid so I and Harper grew up to be close to each other.

"No need for such extreme measures... " Henry spoke up, trying to calm down his twin sisters fired up spirit.

Henry was Harper's twin brother who had also been my play mate. He was completely different from her.

"Extreme measures? Killing them is a blessing!"

Henry was bewildered about Harper's reasoning and could barely think of what to say.

"What if it's all a misunderstanding? Lady Paisley has been really helped by our Lady and they are really close? "

"A misunderstanding? Are you that much of an idiot Henry?

How can you misunderstand seeing your lover and your sister in your room, half naked while making out?!"

Henry was silenced by Harper's rebuff and turned to me to deal with her vigor.

"Now, now Harper. Calm down. I might not kill them physically but will instead destroy their reputation and lives. Making it so bad, that they'd want to commit suicide"

I ended my sentence with a cruel smile and Harper smiled back to.

Harper clapped her hands joyfully and said. "Yay! It's been up to a month since the lady last destroyed someone's life! Oh, how long it's been!"

"You know me far better than that"

"I thought the lady was becoming... good"

I and Harper both laughed at her joke, while Henry stood by the side, pitying the souls of Paisley and Ronald.

He muttered under his breath. "The Deor really...a scary place"

"What?! How dare they?!"

My mother's reaction was similar to Harper's, after listening to my explanation of Ronald's infidelity with Paisley.

"Adria, where's my sword?"

Mother stood up, walking too her closet were she kept her sword.

I quickly held her hand, stopping her from completing her actions.


Mother called me by my nickname, meaning that she was very concerned about me.

I flashed her a bright smile and brought her back to her seat behind her desk.

"Mother, you know I can handle this"

Marchioness Jessica Deor had married into the Deor family and gave birth to me as her only child.

The Marchioness, my mother, had been a daughter from a wealthy Viscount in the capital.

Before getting married into the Deor family, she had been a knight of the imperial family.

Being among, the very few strong and notable female knights that had gone into war, my mother had earned herself respect and recognition here in the South and was respected as Marchioness Deor.

She had quite a high self esteem and loved Adrianna and could obviously not stand the fact that the mistress' daughter ousted her own daughter and stole her fiancé.

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