Chapter 7

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I was sitting in front of my mirror, adjusting the accessories on my hair, ready to go out again today with Nathan.

A knock came on my door and I permitted the person to enter.


I looked at the person from the mirror. Behind me was Paisley, whose eyes seemed to have been red from crying.

Without turning around to face her, I only spoke in an indifferent tone.

"What do you want?"

"S-sister...well. I've been trying to talk to you but we've both been busy so I didn't have the chance"

"Please be quick with what you have to say because I have an appointment"

Paisley fiddled with her fingers then raised up her head to look at me from the mirror.

"Are you angry that I took away Ronald from you? I hope you're not. After all it isn't my fault. We're still good, right?"

The fact that she had come as if she wanted to apologize but still remain so bold, infuriated me.

"So Paisley. You seduced my fiancé. Took him away from me. And you expect me to not me mad? Why is that?"

"Um...In the first place, he never loved you! He told me. So your relationship would have never worked out..."

"So it's okay for you to steal my fiance, because he doesn't love me? Hmm"

Finally I turned away from the mirror and faced Paisley. There was no soul in my voice as I spoke. Even my smile seemed lifeless.

"Fine then. Our relationship is still good even though you stole my fiance and even refused to apologize"

Paisley's expression brightened and she immediately ran towards me, embracing me in a hug.

"I knew you wouldn't be mad! After all, no one's ever mad at me"

Disgust creeped up my skin as I listened to Paisley's soprano voice ringing in my ears. The smell of roses which was her perfume, hit my nose harshly. She always had a habit of over spraying perfume.

Paisley was such a self absorbed and gullible person.

'So she thinks we're still on good terms? Messing with her is going to be fun'

Embracing Paisley into a reciprocal hug, I spoke in an innocent tone while my lips formed an evil smile.

"Of course! Who would me mad at you? You're such a bundle of joy! No wonder Ronald is in love with you!"

My tone was full with sarcasm. I redrew from our hug and moved away from her a bit then looked at her swollen eyes.

"You're supposed to be happy now that you and Ronald's affair is no longer a secret. Now you both are free to love why were you crying? "

Paisley's hands shook as they held mine. Tears began to reform in her eyes as she sniffled.

"W-well...yesterday, Ronald was angry and he shouted at me. He didn't listen to any of my plans for our wedding!"

"Oh, how horrible"

Sarcasm was laced in my voice but Paisley being naive as she was, did not seem to notice any of it.

My expression morphed into one full of concern.

"If he didn't listen that means....he might now want a wedding"


"When he was my fiancé he was told me that he loved me. That I was the only one, yet..."

Paisley held her face in surprise.

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