Chapter 20

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"You'll be wedding Ronald tomorrow"

I looked at father incredulously. I thought my ears failed in their duty of hearing.

"What rubbish? Are you in your right senses, father?"

Or maybe it was father's mouth that was the problem. He did have the habit of spewing nonsense, on a daily basis.

"I'm sure you're not deaf. You will be Duchess Belv by tomorrow. Your wedding gown and accessories have been prepared"

Honestly, I was speechless. All I could ask was what popped up in my head first.

"Who has a wedding without any proper preparations?"

Father chuckled. He seemed so happy. As if the irritation on my face served as a comedy of some sort.

"Nobody of high status does. That's why I've been planning your wedding since the past six years"


Planning my marriage for the past six years? That means since when I was sixteen? It seemed that the man before me truly was crazy!

In my silence of trying to comprehend his words, he went on.

"Only a monster of a father wouldn't care about the marriage of their first daughter"

His elbow was propped on the chair's armrest, his cheek planted at the back of his hand as he talked about the magnificence of my wedding lazily. I could see the glint of satisfaction in his dark purple eyes.

Finally gaining my composure, I cut in.

"Marriage? To Ronald Belv? I refuse to"

"You have no choice"

His smirk grew even wider. There it was, his unchallenged confidence.

"Oh yes I do"

I stared at him defiantly.

"Your personal servants and your mother have been taken care of. I believe you are in no condition to rebel"

The situation was so absurd.

Father continued talking, seeming to enjoy my state of confusion.

"We're having an important guest this evening. Skilled maids are waiting for you in your room"

I squinted at him suspiciously. To see if he'd smirk and say it was a joke. But he did not seem to jest.


As I was about to rebel, the door opened and the head of guards walked in then bowed to father.

"Your Grace"

"Escort my daughter to her room. Maids are waiting there for her"

"Yes, my grace"

I looked up the man's big frame and bit back the urge to shove him to the ground. For I knew my attempts would be futile. He was a guard with many years of training. Even Harper, could not beat him in a match a few days ago. I wouldn't engage in a fight I couldn't win.

I turned back to father and asked.

"Who's the guest?"

"Go get ready and come meet me in my office when you're done"

He said just that and waved his hand, dismissing me.

Relenting was the only option. For now at least. I had to properly observe the situation in front of me before I made any action or escape attempts.

Marrying For Twisted Love In a Fantasy NovelWhere stories live. Discover now