Chapter 8

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I pretended to be asleep and moved slightly. Cardin's hand then stopped trailing up my face.

Still keeping up my act of being asleep, I rolled away from him then yawned.

Cardin was immediately alerted. He redrew and stood up from the bed.

I stretched my body, as if unaware of his presence. I then slowly turned to him and pretended to be surprised by his appearance.

"Brother Cardin is that you?"

I looked at Cardin so innocently. Pretending that I was unaware of his intentions.

"Yes? Oh sorry that I woke you up. I was just looking for my book. I think that I left it here"

"I didn't see your book around here"

That day, Cardin was convinced that I did not know of his true motive for coming into my room.

I had not questioned the act of a young man sneakily coming into a lady's room at night. I acted like the naive girl so Cardin was completely fooled.

But very soon I'll reveal my true self to him. Now is not yet the time. I'll keep using him as a tool to keep Olivia's behavior in check.

Some people say it's okay to be in a relationship with your biological cousin, I say otherwise. Especially if that cousin is a possessive freak like Cardin.

'I wonder how Cardin will react when I say I have a lover. Not only his reaction, but the reaction from everyone else will be truly interesting'

Paisley went to the garden. Her shoulders shook as she cried.

Olivia who was passing by saw the scene and immediately went to intervene. In a kind tone, she reached out.

"Paisley what's wrong?"

"It's Adrianna! She was so mean to me!"

"How so?"

"She insulted me all because she's jealous that Ronald left her!"


A thought suddenly crossed Olivia's mind. She had always disliked Adrianna, and now that Paisley seemed to be antagonistic towards Adrianna, maybe her plan would work.

Just like Adrianna, Olivia had always feigned the act of innocence from a very young age. She had done so in order to gain people's favor. But for some reason, she hadn't been able to gain people's love the same way Adrianna did.

This was merely part of the reason why Olivia held a deep hatred towards Adrianna.

Reaching out towards Paisley, she patted Paisley's back caringly. In a soothing and calm tone, she spoke up.

"I'm so sorry about that. I always knew she was wicked"

"I used to think that she's nice..."

"No. Sadly, she's very mean. Maybe she'll even try to jeopardize your relationship with Lord Belv"


"Yes. I think it's time that she pays for her wicked ways"


"I have a plan"

Olivia spoke about her plan in a low tone. Making only Paisley able to hear about it.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" Paisley seemed to shiver by the mere thought of the plan.

"'s just what she deserves"

Olivia's innocent facade cracked in that second as she chuckled while imagining the effect of her plan, if it actually worked out.

"You'll invite Lord Belv while I'll invite Count Farret. Adrianna is going to regret doing that to you"

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