Chapter 13

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Immediately after Adrianna went upstairs, Paisley ran outside to meet Ronald.

She was surprised to see him sitting on the ground. Quickly she went to him in order to help him up.

"Ronald darling!" She held his hand gently. "What happened?"

"It was that Adrianna! She insulted me!" Ronald shouted and puffed with anger. His face was unusually red.

Paisley took it that he was in this state because of his anger, but then she began to notice the swelling of his cheeks.

"R-Ronald?" In the next moment, he held his stomach and hurled out the lunch all over her.

"P-Paisley" He spoke in between his gasps for breath. "Was their seafood in the lunch?"


The moment she said that Ronald looked as if he was about to explode in anger.

"I'm allergic to fish! Why don't you know that?"


"It was a mistake coming for this lunch!"

"Darling" She held unto his hand but he shook her away. "Ronald!"
Ronald was taken back to the Belv mansion under the guidance of some of the servants of the Deor household. It was an act to keep up appearances.

Paisley and Ronald had an argument, which resulted to Paisley having another one of her crying sessions.

She hugged her pillow as she sat on the bed, alone in her room.

Paisley was a, twenty two year old grown woman, however her room was painted pink with teddy bears and dolls decorated in the room.

At first glance, it would seem cute and all, but at this very moment, the room had an eerie aura that could make you feel shivers. Maybe from the feeling of the dolls and teddy's looking at you with a piercing gaze.

Or maybe, it was the evil expression that Paisley wore at the moment. Far different from her usual bright smile.

She muttered to herself. "Why is he angry at me? He's not supposed to be angry at me. I'm the heroine! The protagonist!" At the last parts she squeezed the pillow tightly then threw it at the wall.

Paisley looked like a crazy person as she whispered to herself after chewing her locks of chestnut hair.

"The novel said that the heroine was able to capture the heart of anybody. That no man could ever get mad her. So why, why have people suddenly become cold?"

She was unable to understand. Why wasn't the 'power' of the heroine able to capture Ronald's heart?

Even Adrianna, who she thought had been wrapped round her finger, had suddenly began to behave cold.

Tears brimmed in her doe like eyes. She bit on her nails nervously, while pacing around her room.

"Why is the story changing?!"

She stopped walking around and looked into her mirror.

Soft chestnut hair cascading down her waist, light purple doe-like eyes. A small round face and a little pink lip.

She looked like a little pretty doll. A doll that you would want to protect and keep, locked up in a cage were only you could admire it.

Once upon a time, she was just a woman in the modern world. Then everything changed after she read a book titled [I Shall Save My Knight]

Everything about her in her past life had been horrible. She had been ugly and single for a very long time.

Back when she was in high school and college she had repeatedly failed exams and had to eventually drop out.

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