Chapter 27

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The moment the sun rose, the maids who had been stripped of their tongues, tended to me, and prepared me for my supposed wedding today.

I could sense their feelings of resentment and bitterness which were probably directed to me. I wasn't surprised that father didn't change them. He probably wanted their animosity to faze me. Truly a fickle attempt.

I could be held accountable for their current speech inabilities. Nonetheless, they still had to obey father and do their jobs as maids. While they diligently worked on dressing me, the gears in my head turned, contemplating my scheme for today.

Although the proposition made by Duke Belv to be in control of the Belv Duchy as Ronald's wife, did sound rather tempting,  I wasn't foolish to make such an alliance that would prove to be unfavorable later.

Plus, my eyes were already set on the throne of Empress. No stupid wedding to Ronald or a crown princess selection could stop me.

As a member of high society and a reader of the novel [I Shall Save My Knight], I know very well that the Emperor is very ill. It had not been made known to the general public yet. Very soon he'd die and Nathan would ascend the throne. Then the decision for an Empress would completely be in his hands so I genuinely didn't bother about the Emperor's decree.

The only people who challenged me now was my father and the now antagonistic Duke Belv.

Father had been a long term problem, I wish I had killed back when I was younger so that I could have been the successor of the Deor family. But if I kill him now, Cardin would automatically become the Marquis, because of his will. Or should I kill Cardin? Or maybe find a way to alter his will? Although my hypnosis doesn't work on him, there can be other ways..

'I'll think about that later. In a matter of time, everything will fall into place'

You may wonder why I so eagerly aspired to be the head of the Deor family. Well, no special reason. It's mainly due to my greed and desire to take away my enemy's most prized possession. And I'd do just that to father....and even to Duke Belv who threatened me.

If worst is to come to worst, I might have to commit a murder or two today. They wouldn't be my first kills and certainly wouldn't be my last murders. Destroying lives was necessary if I wanted to achieve all my goals.

With that thought, seeing the maids had finished dressing me up, I adjusted the vial of poison which I strapped unto my arm when they weren't looking.

As I gazed into the mirror, dolled up reflection looked back at me. I took notice of the smirk which was subconsciously plastered on my face.

Ah. That wouldn't do. Today at my 'wedding', I speculated that father probably invited a few important nobles from here in the South. High society knew me as a kind and meek lady, so I couldn't destroy this image I'd built over the past twenty two years. Well, at least not until I become Empress...

With that thought, I schooled my features and replaced the confident smirk with a lovely smile.

'It's best to look like a happy bride. That way no one would suspect me when I poison Ronald'

If the groom died, how then could I be married to him? The plan was as simple and as straightforward as a plan could be.

Call me evil, I won't argue. I was the kind of person to immediately eliminate anybody who hindered me. Besides, what's so wrong if a farmer gets rid of weeds surrounding their crops? The people I killed were such weeds that tried to affect my plans which were my crops grown with so much love.

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