Chapter 15

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After Ronald had left the lunch that afternoon, I sent a formal letter to the Belv manor. The letter contained the documental procedures and terms in order to annul an engagement.

Of course, I did not personally write the letter but had instead assigned Henry to do the task.

Just like marriages, you had to file official documents to break an engagement. But the processes of an engagement was much simpler. Unlike marriage, the two parties did not need to agree to the annulment.

Since Ronald had not yet filed for the annulment of our engagement, I took it upon myself to quickly cut our ties or relationship of any sorts. Besides, how could I have a man be the one to break up with me first?

It had never happened, even in my first life, and would surely never happen.

'What a huge ego' I thought, amused about my own thinking process. I was very much aware of my prideful nature, but I didn't bother much about it. I worked my ways around my character pretty nicely.

The engagement was successfully broken. My life went on as usual. A few days went by peacefully. Nothing major happening, until...

"The Marquis will return this evening" Mother told me. Her tone stripped of joy.
I nodded quietly.

Marquis Deor, who was my father, had been in the capital for the past five months.

Due to his long absence from the South, I thought that he had relocated permanently to the capital. But it seemed to not be the case.

Just as mother had said, father's carriage wheeled into the parking area in the evening.

The servants were all lined up downstairs, while I, mother, Cardin, Olivia and Paisley stood in front of the line, with mother in the middle.

The grand carriage bearing the symbol of the Deor family — which was the sign of the eyes of an eagle, slowly came to a stop as it parked in the manor.

The coach man got down from his seat then quickly went to open the carriage door. As the door opened, father stepped out of the carriage.

He walked into the house with robustness. The moment he got into the parlor, everybody but mother, bowed in greetings to him.

"Greetings to you, Your Grace" Everyone said, in unison.

"Yes" Father stretched the short word as he looked at the mansion as if he was unfamiliar with it.

He then looked at each of his family members one by one. When his eyes landed on me, I flashed him a close eyed smile. Quickly, he turned away from me and spoke to mother.

"I hope dinner is ready, Jessica"

"Of course it is" The sound of annoyance in mother's voice made me chuckle.

Father proceeded to walk into the dining room and the rest of the family followed behind. Leaving the servants to go back to their duty posts.

Mother did not sit at the head of the table this time. Instead, she sat at father's right side. Father then sat at the head of the table since he was the Marquis and head of the family.

I sat beside mother and Paisley next to me.

Cardin sat closest to father on his left side. Olivia sat next to Cardin. The seat beside Olivia was empty. Meaning that somebody was absent.

The food was brought in after everyone was seated. Everyone began to dig into their food.

It was obvious that today's dinner was prepared with extra expertise. Probably to commerate the Marquis' return from his five month absence.

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