Chapter 22

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For so long, I had speculated that father desired power far beyond that of a Marquis of the South. His greed had led him to covet the imperial power and become a sovereign ruler over the Empire.

Having a theory and it being confirmed to be a fact, were two different things. I had an ominous feeling about the whole situation.

Many people before have attempted to rebel against the imperial family, and of course failed. Far more formidable forces than a few nobles in the South. Amongst all other parts of the Empire, the South was the least powerful in politics and manpower.

So, what made Duke Belv and Marquis Deor so confident in success? I felt like I subconsciously knew the answer.

Father set down his utensils. His appetite seemed to have vanished with the topic of power.

“The people don’t trust a Crown Prince they don’t know. The Emperor is weak and dying. Ministers are in a tussle of power. Very soon, once the time is right, we will strike”

He laughed happily as if the Crown of Emperor already rested upon his head.

“And who is the ‘we’ you refer to?” I asked. In all honesty, the two men had aroused my interest with their plan.

Father laughed lowly. He seemed delighted to answer my question.

“We are the rebel forces. An agency of great minded people who want nothing more than the progress of our lovely Empire”

I almost rolled my eyes at father’s overly righteous speech. Who was he kidding? He didn’t care about the Empire. Obviously, all he wanted was the power.

Duke Belv took over from were father stopped. “The people of the South have been looked down on for so long”

The Duke went on and on about the glorious future of the South. About how prosperous it would be. So great that political and business activities would be focused here.

The concept sounded intriguing but too good to be true. Even if it were possible, it didn’t matter to me.

All I wanted was a glorious future for myself. Truthfully, the South which was my supposed homeland didn’t matter to me. And I was sure, father and the Duke shared similar thoughts.

Just from one look, I could tell the Duke was as power hungry as I was.

Their proposition to me was more important than the so called prosperity of the South. I interrupted the Duke’s passionate speech, annoyance slowly building up in me as he wasted time.

“I understand you aim to take the crown, but again I ask, how do I come in?”

The Duke exchanged looks with father. A conversation with their eyes ensued before the Duke said.

“Ah of course. The Belv Duchy is an important tool in our victory against the imperial family. It needs to be managed by a worthy figure”

“And who else is worthy to be the ‘heir of Belv', except my amazing daughter who possesses the power of hypnosis?”

Father gave a smug smile which I rolled my eyes at. Skepticism about whether the two before me were in their right senses came to mind as they referred to me as the ‘heir of Belv’.

With an eyebrow raised, I questioned the Duke. “What about Ronald?”

Previously I had described the Duke as hard to read because of the difference between his calm expression and cunning words. But in that moment as he replied to me, he completely revealed his nature — an old vile man.

“It’s unfortunate for me to say, but my son doesn’t exactly have what it takes to be my successor”

He berated Ronald while shaking his head. The hate and discontent he displayed towards the topic made it hard to believe he was talking about his own son.

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