Chapter 24

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Ronald and Paisley had returned a bit past midnight. Paisley, a bit tipsy, while Ronald was utterly drunk. He just couldn’t resist drowning himself in alcohol as he was almost possessed by the festive spirit at the Farret mansion. 

The party had been splendid. It was nothing short of the people’s expectations for the wedding announcement party for Count Farret and Olivia Deor.

Nobles in the South all anticipated the union between the Farret and the Deor family. As the occasion was approaching, stores would really be busy with sales in preparation for the wedding.

The South was already bustling as rumour had it that the war led by Crown Prince Nathaniel against a neighbouring kingdom had come to an end. Although unconfirmed, people waited eagerly to see the great Crown Prince who was shrouded in mystery. 

Recalling the event, Ronald wondered why Adrianna didn’t attend it. But his drunken mind couldn’t focus on that. All he could think about were the various pleasures he indulged in with Paisley.

“Mhmm….party…..hmmmm..hahaha” He collapsed unto a chair and slurred over his words. 

The moonlight shone on the mansion grounds, when the splendid golden carriage parked in the Belv manor. Ronald who was tiredly gazing out of the window felt the blood drain out of his face.

No….it can’t be…’ He thought. 

His suspicion was confirmed as the carriage door was opened by the attendant and out came a regal presence he feared more than anything else. 

Duke Franklin Belv, his father.

“Ronald darling, what’s wrong?”

Lounging on a chair behind him was a lady with chestnut hair. She fluttered her long lashes and gazed sweetly at him with her light purple eyes.

Ronald didn’t answer her question. Fear paralyzed him on his spot with all sorts of thought running through his head. His fear, overpowering the alcohol in his system.

He came back without notice. Things are still a mess! The business has been behind. Even more so, our refinery! He’ll also hear about that bitch Adrianna annulling our engagement!’

“Haa” Ronald released a shaky breath and tried to calm his fidgeting hands. “Paisley, go to the guest room. I’ll be busy”

Paisley bit down on her lip, holding herself back from protesting. Her light purple eyes stared at him gently, before she nodded.


Since their last fight, she had refrained from going against what Ronald said. Only being obedient and showering him with affection, could have him wrapped around her fingers. 

With that, she pecked him on the cheek and exited the room. 

Ronald collapsed unto a chair, trying to calm down, but to no avail. Right from a young age, he had an indescribable fear towards his father. 

Why wouldn’t he? The Duke would always look at him as if he were something worthless. As if, he was just a tool for the Belv Duchy. All his life, everyone had always placed Ronald on a pedestal of importance. Everyone except the man who was his supposed father. 

Silently, Roanld watched as the butler and head maid rushed outside to greet his father. 

He decided to take action and went down to meet with his father. However, the moment he stood up, his wobbly legs gave in and he fell back unto the chair.

“Ah!” He suddenly regretted having consumed so much alcohol. Cursing silently, the alcohol messed with his sense of reasoning and instead of going to greet the Duke he trudged over to his bed and collapsed on it. Not too long after, he drifted into a deep sleep….

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