Chapter 11

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The sound of heels clicked against the steps. I reflexively turned around and saw Olivia coming downstairs.

She looked over from Thomas then glared vehemently at me. When Thomas turned around to her, she tried to hide her expression.

I didn't spare Olivia any of my time and moved out of the room, strutting towards the garden.

'Everybody just wants my attention....I need a drink'

"Hi, sir Thomas"

Since Olivia was Thomas Farret's fiancé she had the right to call him informally. He didn't reply immediately because he had turned around and was gazing at Adrianna's exiting figure.

"Sir Thomas!" Olivia once again called his attention. A hint of irritation laced in her voice.

Thomas Farret then turned around to face her.

"Hello Lady Olivia" His voice held only mannerism and no affection of any sort. His greeting even seemed curt and a bit harsh.

It was because he had been waiting for Olivia for a very long time. Seeing her heavy appearance of frills, jewels and makeup he now knew why she took so long.

"Sir Thomas, is anything wrong?" Olivia asked innocently.

Olivia thought that his unkind tone was a result of talking to Adrianna! Maybe she had said something about her.

"Oh, no nothing. I just came to tell you that I'll be busy this afternoon. In fact, I need to be in a meeting in the next twenty minutes"


"I apologize. But maybe I would have been able to finish the meeting early if you have come down to meet me earlier"

Olivia clenched her fists in anger. Her body was shaking. But she still struggled to keep up the innocent facade.


With that, Thomas Farret began to leave. Olivia showed him out and watched his carriage leave.

While seeing the carriage drive away, her nails dug into her palms, almost enough to make them bleed.

Olivia stomped up the stairs then went back to her room.

"How was it lady?"

The maids wanted to nurture Olivia's bright mood. Whenever she spoke about her time with Count Farret she tended to be bearable.

Olivia sharply turned to the maid who asked her the question then raised her hand to deliver a painful slap.


All the other maids recoiled seeing their lady turn into her abusive self.

"Ahhhh!" Olivia shouted like a mad woman and pushed down all the jewelery on her dresser.

She flung around everything that got into her hold. Pouncing on a maid, she scratched the girls face while laughing.

"How was it? Well it wasn't fine! That b*tch Adrianna made my dear Thomas to leave!"

After causing enough damage to the maids she picked up her hairbrush and flung it at the mirror.

The mirror cracked and some shards flew unto the ground.

She saw her tattered reflection in the cracked mirror. Tears ran down her face, ruining the carefully put on mascara.

Standing in front of the mirror, touching the cracked glass, she felt anger. She didn't see fault in her actions that made Thomas Farret it wait, but instead blamed Adrianna for it all

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