Chapter 28

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Ashley, Paisley’s mother, had formerly been a commoner without any last name. 

After father’s affair with her had blown up, he decided to finally be an honourable man, so he officially wedded her. Hence, making her the official mistress of the Marquis, Ashley Deor. 

She looked exactly as one would picture a seductress in their head. Red full lips. Slanted eyes. A voluptuous figure. Her beauty was bold and could easily capture the attention of any man. But above all, the way she carried herself could easily bring a man to worship at her feet. Father had been one of her victims. Well, at least for some time. 

As expected, with time, he got bored of her and cast her aside to the mansion’s annex. He did still provide for her financial needs. But the the attention and desire he had expressed for her, had dwindled away with time. As they say, love is like a candle’s light. It can glow brightly but easily be put off by the slightest wind. 

That is why I don’t plan to keep my position as Empress just with the help of Nathan’s love. Who knows when his heart could change? I had plans to secure my status. 

“I have to say, congratulations on your wedding” 

Ashley’s words made me halt my thoughts. I studied her expression closely and searched for signs of sarcasm. 

“Thank you, for your well wishes” 

Deciding to be friendly for now, I responded with a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. 

Living in this world, I had become successful with one simple rule; There is no permanent friend nor permanent enemy — only permanent interest. Unless necessary, there was no need to make whimsical enemies.

I had no animosity towards Ashley who was my father’s mistress. Her fight was against my mother, and I believed mother was a capable Marchioness, able to fend off any threat the mistress posed.

My fight was with higher forces. Nevertheless, I would always keep my guard up against Ashley who talked and acted like a cunning snake by nature. 

“I wonder what you’ve been up to these ladies”

Quickly, I shifted the conversation to topics concerning her. I was truly curious about her activities in the annex.

"Nothing really. I've just been resting. An awful sickness had overcome me" She said.

"That's horrible. I had no idea. But why didn't you summon any doctors?"

The sickness she spoke about was probably a lie, so my question made it evident to her that she was being watched and I was aware of her dishonesty.

Henry closely monitored her and no illness was discovered. Our maids watching her, had instead reported that she was constantly locking herself up in her room. It was just recently that we discovered she was exchanging letters and giving donations to a guild of magic. This was what had piqued my interest in what story she'd relay.

"I took some natural herbs. I didn't want to bother the household by bringing in doctors"

She responded to my question with a smile that would make you think she was so good natured. Keeping up an innocent facade was my act.....tsk, what a copycat. Who was this ill-tempered woman, trying to fool?

With an innocent tilt of my head, I spoke sarcastically. "The household has been providing for your luxuries, so how could the health of the Madam be a bother?"

Patiently, I waited for her act to crack. For I had seen her slip up several times in the past. Even if she did appear more dignified than when we last met, one's inherent nature couldn't be changed in a measly six months.

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