Chapter 5

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Paisley was in Ronald's room in the Belv mansion.

Paisley was blushing and shying away.

Ronald had been flirting with her, whispering words of sweet love while he slowly began to reach for her clothes.

A knock on the door interrupted their session that was about to begin.


Ronald was annoyed that he had been interrupted.

"Lord Belv, there's urgent news from your refinery site..."

Hearing about his latest business, he sat up and shifted a bit away from Paisley.

He looked at her and held her hand and said gently.

"It's news about my business. I just want to hear what the servant has to say"

Paisley blushed profusely and adjusted her scattered clothes, also sitting up from the bed.


Ronald turned from her and spoke to the servant at the door.

"Come in"

Slowly the door opened and the servant entered. As the servant came into the room, Paisley stood up and exited the room.

The servant seemed to be pale as he spoke to Ronald. He stuttered through his whole sentence.

"Th-the thing is m-my l-lord. W-well...

"Speak up! I have better things to do!"

"A report came in about the refinery site. E-everything was burnt!"

The room was silent. Ronald stood up in surprise.

"Burnt?! What do you mean?!"

"Th-there s-seems to h-have been a f-f-fire outbreak!"

The servant delivered the news, fearful about his master's reaction. He reached for his pocket and brought out a metal plate which had some words carved on it.

"The guards found this in the middle of all the ashes"

The room was silent as Ronald read the words on the paper.

[A villain is a bringer of destruction, so next time, don't mess with one]

Paisley came back into the room, holding a large map. In her soprano voice and bubbly air she spoke up in a high pitched tone.

"Ronald! I've decided on where we should have our wedding!"

She went past the servant and waved the big map in Ronald's face.

Due to the anger about the news of his business, he pushed the map out of his face, crumpling and tearing it.

"What wedding?! My business had been burnt and you're talking about a wedding?!"

Ronald pushed Paisley aside and walked out of the room, the servant following behind.

Paisley fell to the ground due to his push. Tears immediately formed in her eyes. Reaching out a hand to him, she called his name.


No reply. He was already headed for the refinery site that was said to be in ashes.

With Harper's help I selected a dress.

"The seductive one? Or innocent one?"

I raised the two dresses in front of Harper. The seductive one was green in color while the innocent one was a bright shade of yellow

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