Chapter 12

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"Ronald...are you crazy?"

It was a question filled with sincerity. I actually began to wonder if he was okay in the head.

The way how he spoke, as if I should be grateful was just plain...... annoying.


Before he could say anything more, I put my finger over his lips, hushing him.

"Get out. I have never liked you. Do not like you. And will never like you. Make it past, present or future"

As I said this, I tapped my finger against his chest, making every point clear. I then folded my arms and glared at him.

"Our engagement was just political. Nothing really important. After all there's always been someone else that I love"

The last part was a lie, but was thrown out in order to make Ronald even more mad.

Ronald had been unable to speak, in the face of my attitude. His face seemed to say, who was this lady that threatened him and spoke rebelliously?

After he regained his composure, he became angry and shouted.

"What?! How dare you speak to me like that! You insolent brat!"

He shouted and dragged me roughly by my wrist then began to pull me towards his carriage.

I retaliated by delivering a sharp slap across his face, making his face turn to the side.

His hold on my wrist loosened. He reached for the swollen part of his face in which I had slapped.

"My Lady!" Someone shouted behind us. I could recognize the voice as Harper's.

She came running towards us.

Without hesitation, she pounced on Ronald and pushed him to the ground. He fell and landed on his behind.

"How dare you touch my lady disrespectfully?!" Harper asked while holding him by his collar.

She cornered him and was about to punch him.

"Harper, stop" I ordered.

Her hand stopped in mid air, mere inches away from Ronald's face.

I looked from Harper who was sitting on top of Ronald and holding his collar, then at Ronald who was shaking in fear.

Seeing him so miserable on the ground made me laugh. But I covered my mouth to control it.

"Ronald, let me make it clear to you. Do not cross my path again. I'm done playing these little games with you, though they were fun"

It was the truth, burning his business and insulting him today was enough with my revenge against his cheating and all wrong done against me.

"As long as you leave me alone, I assure you that I won't cause anymore harm to you"

With that, I eyed Harper meaningfully and turned to walk away.

Harper got the message. She released him and followed behind me.

When we were in the mansion, I could hear him shout.

"Adrianna!!! You b*tch!"

So now you can bark?

If I were in a bad mood, I might have sent Harper back outside to silence his shouts, but I was feeling good today. So I ignored his ranting and was going up to my room.

As I passed the dining side, about to climb the steps, Paisley held me by my wrist and asked.

"Adrianna, where's Ronald?"

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