Chapter 10

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The Deor household had gotten prepared for the visit of two prestigious young men; Count Thomas and Farret, who is Olivia's fiancé, and Ronald, who is Paisley's lover and my ex-fiance.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was not, seeing as both Paisley and Olivia had invited their love interests to the mansion under the same day.

Was it a plot to faze me? I guess that they'll have to try harder.

I walked downstairs in order to go out to the garden. On my way, I was passing the parlor.

I was surprised to see Thomas Farret, sitting, here very early.

Originally, I was going to pass by with a light greeting, but he called my attention first.

"Good day Lady Deor!"

"Good day, Count Farret"

My greetings were gentle unlike his that was filled with too much vigor. He got up and stood before me. Then he began his attempt to make conversation with me

"Um Lady Deor....I hope you have been well"

"Thank you for your concern Count, I'm perfectly fine" I smiled.

Seeing me smile seemed to make him blush and talk shyly.

"You have been absent from all social gatherings for the past days. That's why I was concerned....." He scratched the back of his head and spoke with concern.

"I appreciate your kindness"

Thomas Farret stared in awe of me, almost about to drool while I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

The young Count Thomas Farret is among my numerous not-so-secret admirers. Always trying to earn my attention so openly.

I hold no bad feelings towards Thomas Farret, but he's not my type of man. He seems to be sweet and kind. He has a handsome face with gentle features.

However that's the complete opposite of my ideal type. I prefer the dangerous, cold, strong, mysterious and murderous type, if you know what I'm saying.

'Of course, I've never let Nathan know this and will probably never do'

Finally I was about to move away from the parlor.

"If that's all-

"Wait! U-um...

Count Thomas Farret was a young man in his early twenties. A few years ago, his father passed on the title to him.

In order to further give himself a strong standing, he needed to ally himself with an influential family in the South.

He was thinking about this at a party.

"Haha. Thank you for the compliment lady"

It was then that he turned to her; Adrianna Deor.

She was smiling so beautifully. Her eyes shining. A sight to behold.

Thomas Farret could easily remember that he had once possessed feelings of attraction towards Adrianna during his teenage years. His first crush maybe.

The first time he had beheld the beauty was during her debut party.

Dressed in a white laced gown along with simple accessories, she possessed ethereal beauty, making her look like an angel.

He was captivated by it all - her innocent smile, her kind purple eyes, her locks of red hair, her gentle steps and fairy-like movements.

Everything she did were acts full of kindness. She was smart and polite.

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