Chapter 17

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"What happened with Paisley's mother?" I inclined my back to the chair, resting my elbow on the armrest.

"I noticed something strange" For Henry to draw something to my attention like this, it meant it was important.

"Go on"

"Ever since the Marquis left, the Madam changed all the maids serving her. It was foolish of me not to bring this to your attention earlier, as I know the lady looks into even the smallest details" He bowed in an apology and I forgave his mistake, more interested in what information he had.

Henry cleared his throat before continuing. "Last week, I discovered she had been sending her maids to town to deliver letters"

Just like always, he took a pause, letting me digest his words.


"The letters are addressed to a relative, however I thought, if the Madam desires to send letters, why not use the postman?" Henry took a pause as he reached for something in his pocket and brought it out. It was a paper.  "The matter had piqued my interest. So, I sent someone to tail the maid"

He slid the piece of paper on the table in front of me. Immediately, I reached for the paper and raised it to my face, reading the content in it.

'Guild of Magic. We'll solve all your problems with our powers'

It was a flier for a guild. A magic guild at that. Upon being reborn to this world, I had taken an interest to these magic guilds, just to be disappointed that they were all shams. Magic did not exist in this world. That is, if you set aside the powers surrounding the main characters and high ranking nobles. But these powers were not made known to the public. Only a few, which I am a part of, are aware about the rare mystical powers.

'Magic guilds' were just a means of swindling the foolish who believed in supernatural forces such as magic. They performed some staged trick and owe the mysterious action to some high power.

"The Madam frequently sends letters to this guild and not some relative. Also, I discovered she'd sold lots of her jewelery and given the profits to the guild"

"That's rather odd" I had no other way to put it. Most people knew that magic guilds were scams. They weren't even popular like they were in the past. Giving to one, seemed ridiculous.

Had she discovered something related to magic? It wasn't totally impossible that she hadn't. The South had so much traces of magic. Besides, I never ruled out a probability.

'If she has gained some knowledge concerning magic, then I must get my hands on it!'

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Henry spoke up. "Currently my aim is to get my hands on one of the Madam's letters. Normally, this would be easy, but the maids under her care seem to be efficient"

"I believe you're more efficient, Henry. If not, I wouldn't entrust you with so much"

Whenever I put emphasis on some words, and flashed a sweet a smile, while assigning a task, it would mean that I was counting on you. And if you were to mess up....well, let's say, Henry wasn't one to make mistakes, so he'd probably not find out the outcome.

Henry has always threaded cautiously when carrying out assignments. He was smart and careful in all his actions. Traits like these, I valued in my subordinates.

"Investigate this magic guild and bring a detailed report to me" I said, setting the flier aside.

"Yes my lady. I've already began looking into it"

"Great. Good job"

With a wave of my hand, I dismissed him and he exited the room.

I made a mental note to personally investigate Ashley Deor's behavior, her sudden interest in magic and absence by myself. She hadn't even come out to greet father yesterday, which was rather discourteous seeing that the rest of the family did.

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