Chapter 3

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Nathan was surprised by the news of my breakup with Ronald.

He seemed even more surprised after hearing that Ronald cheated on me with Paisley.

"You treated that girl so preciously. Yet this is how she repays you?"

"It seems to be so"

"And that Ronald guy is so stupid... Rejecting you for's almost unimaginable!"

Nathan seemed to be angry on my behalf. He insulted Ronald and Paisley and asked if he should kill them. Seeing this made me chuckle.

I had a feeling of nostalgia as I recalled how I met Nathan.

It was a winter day, twelve years ago.

Mother had taken me out for hunting for some winter game. She had been annoyed after discovering the existence of a mistress with a daughter, younger than me with a few months.

She wasn't angry about the fact that my father, Marquis Deor had another family. It was a common thing in the South, for noble men to have mistresses.

Instead she had been vexed by the fact that he had kept it a secret for ten years.

At that time I had just been ten years old.

I had wandered away from her, exploring the area. I then noticed that a huge part of the snow was stained red. I could also smell the heavy smell of blood.

Immediately I was alarmed and searched for the source of the blood

"I've been hearing about how Adrianna Deor, the weak hearted daughter of Marquis Deor has been donating gifts to the less privileged out of kindness"

Nathan's voice cut me out of my flashback. I concentrated on his words instead of recalling some memory.

"What kind of sick people believe that story? Kind? Weak hearted? Haven't you destroyed any of their families?"

Nathan was amongst those who knew my true cruel nature. He was fully aware of my wicked acts in dealing with enemies, and seemed to even admire it.

I faked some tears and put a hand on my chest, making a shocked and innocent expression.

"Me? Destroy... families?"

In the next second, we both laughed at my innocent act.

If I were an actor I would have probably won many awards.

"Your character of being evil is what captivates me so much to make you my wife"

Nathan suddenly dropped one of his cheesy lines that confessed his love.

"Geez, wife this wife that. Is that all you want from me?"

"No. I also one day want to have children with you. Three to be precise"

I looked at him with uninterest then changed the subject.

"I heard you'll be debuting after the knights come back"

"Mhh... I haven't yet decided"

We spoke about somethings for over an hour. After some time a faked a yawn, covering my hand over my mouth.

"I feel sleepy. You can come back tomorrow, right?"


Nathan stood up from the bed and moved to the balcony. I followed behind him, feeling a creeping emotion while I stared at his back.

Despite him being in my room numerous times at night no funny business had happened in between us...yet.

Finally, he reached the balcony. He turned around one last time, desire evident in his eyes. His hands reached for my hair, taking it into his hands then raising it to his lips, he planted a kiss on my hair and seemed to smell it afterwards.

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