Diagon Alley

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Its been 13 years. Hermione has been the most wonderful teacher. She's turned everyone's mind around on the subject of potions. The students no longer hated going to the dungeons and thought of it as a punishment, however they all steered clear on days where Professor Granger was angry. Dumbledore had started to make mentions of retiring to Hogsmeade with his brother, which made the entire school go into an uproar of shock. He hasn't retired yet, however Hermione thought it was going to happen at the end of this upcoming year. Filtch had been down at Hagrid's old house all these years and seemed very happy to be mostly left alone. No students dared to go down there without a teacher. 

Severus had completely taken over caretaker and night patrol, which seemed fine with him. Hermione had never seen him so relaxed at the end of the day. The only times he seemed tense like he used to be was when students played pranks that forced him to give detentions and clean up after them. He hated dealing with students, prefering to take points away. 

Hermione and Severus were walking down Digon Alley watching their four children run around. Pharoah was in his fourth year, almost 14. Zander, who was in his third, Elieen starting her first year, and the youngest Toby, who was begging to have a certain book that Pharaoh didn't need  for his fourth year, but at the same time Hermione thought he did. Toby was the most like his mother, curly brown hair and buck teeth that Severus refused to let Hermione correct until he went into his school year in two years. 


Harry and Ron had both shouted her name from up ahead at Weasley's Joke Shop. Fred and George were there waving at them with Angelina and Katie next to them. Fred and George had made a joke of naming their first sons after each other, which Katie and Angelina had tried to refuse, but didn't have any luck. The two young boys were around Pharoah's year and looked almost identical to their father's. The one difference was their hair. Young Fred had the dark ginger hair that was curly, while Young George had his mothers dark hair. Their daughters were in the store talking with some of their friends. 

Ginny had come out of Olivanders with an over the moon Lily, who was showing off her new wand to her father. "Pheonix feather and cherry wood, ten inches, bendable and good for charms." 

"Very nice wand, I'm almost jealous." He grinned. She saw Eileen and Toby and waved. Toby huffed and turned away from her. "Tobeverus Charles Snape," Hermione scolded angrily. Harry and Ron flinched indistinctly. They still got the bad end of her wand at times. He looked at his father with the same dark eyes and felt cold. His father had a way of speaking to him without speaking. Most of the time Severus only had to raise an eyebrow and they would crack. 

"Sorry Lily, I'm just jealous. I still have so long before I can go." Toby kicked a rock. 

Lily looked at Toby with soft green eyes. "Don't worry, it wont be too long." 

Harry motioned with his head for Severus to follow him and Ron. Hermione looked oddly at them but ushered all the children into the next store for them to restock their quills and ink. "Something wrong, Harry." 

They walked down to the Leaky Cauldron where they grabbed a butterbeer. "Yes, there's a woman that claims she's Voldemort's and Bellatrix's child. She's aparating places and cursing random muggle households. My cousin Dudley was one of those houses. It caused a reaction to young Tyler to show some magic. My Uncle has refused to let his grandson into Hogwarts. Arthur has mentioned to me that you might be able to persuade Petunia to stand up against my uncle with Dudley."

Severus raised his eyebrow. "Why me?" 

"Because of your history with my mother. He thinks it will remind her of good things." 

He shrugged. He hadn't spoken or even seen Petunia in years. "Not likely, however I will try." Harry and Ron nodded. "What about the woman though."

Ron growled in anger. "She continues to evade us. However we will get her soon. Closing in on her every day."

"She won't reach Hogwarts, will she?" 

Harry looked thoughtful at Ron, who had finshed his Butterbeer. "We don't know," Ron answered. 

"Brilliant, I will get in touch with Arthur and Dumbledore and talk about the increase security in school. Keep us informed." Severus groaned inwardly. He'd been so relaxed and comfortable these twenty years. He hoped the woman wouldn't come to Hogwarts. his children, fiance, and grandchildren would be there. 

"Sorry to drink and run, but I've got to go see Pavarti. Dina and Lysandra need their school stuff." He places some gold on the counter and left to find his children. 

Ron and Pavarti had separated after ten years together, their twin girls were their only children and in second year. Ron was seeing Lavender again and had three boys with her. William, Linus, and Seth, who were separated by 2 years each. William was the only one of their boys in school. They waved goodbye and stayed to finish their drinks, talking about how odd it was to have grandchildren and children in school. 

"Speak for yourself, my children and my brothers and sister are best friends. They are uncles and nephews, aunts and nieces. All sort of odd." Severus laughed. 

The group met for dinner at the leaky cauldron, children were at one table, the adults at the other. They wanted one meal all together before Severus took Toby back to their house until school started. Then Flynn would keep an eye on him until Ginny got there. Sometimes Mrs. Weasly would come along and mother the devil out of him, which he enjoyed. He kept in touch with his parents throughout the year by messages and visists that Flynn provided. 


Hi, this story is getting close to the end. Ive thought about a second book staring Scorpius and Eileen, however I dont know. I have a second Snamione book called Sevret of Mine, which I encourage people to read and pass on to their friends and advertise please. Let me know your thoughts and I thank you for sticking around. 

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