Don't Joke With A Post-Pregnant Woman

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Don't Joke With A Post-Pregnant Woman

Harry Potter was wide awake at four am. Six full hours after his father had been taken, five and a half hours after Minerva and Albus found out Severus was his father. You'd think that Harry would be sleeping after something bad happened to him. He'd need rest, but no. He's been going over what happened in his mind over and over again. He should have tried harder. He defeated Voldemort six times for heaven's sake. Yet he couldn't even save his own father. Must be loosing my touch. He kept saying to himself. What's more, though was that he had to tell Hermione that her boyfriend, the father of her child, was missing. Although she'd probably realize it by now, unless Pharaoh was being stubborn and she was just too tired to care at the moment.

She'll skin me alive! Harry told himself, pacing the common room. He'd been trying to think of something to tell Hermione for about three hours, but to no avail. Everything he came up with ended with Hermione cursing him. He'd rather like to avoid being cursed by Hermione. "What am I going to do?" He asked himself.

"Harry?" Ron asked coming down the stairs from the dormitory. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and fixed them on Harry. Rons' known him for years, so he knew what something was up. "What happened?"

They haven't talked much since Ron found out about Hermione and Severus. In fact, Ron didn't even know that Severus was Harry's father. That would only make matters worse. However, it seemed as if it was time to tell Ron who his dad really was, and that he was missing.

"My dad's missing," Harry simply said.

A bemused look crossed Ron's face. "Harry, I thought your dad's dead?"

"That was James Potter. He's not my dad. My step dad, yeah, but not my real dad."

Another bemused look crossed Ron's face. "I'm still confused, Harry," he said with a shrug.

Now was the time. "Severus Snape is my father, Ron. My mum and Snape had sex the morning of her wedding. Snape is my dad."

Ron looked like he was going to be sick. "So, all this time, you've been a Snape?" When Harry nodded, Ron asked, "Why is that you are Potter then, not Snape?"

"Because my mum didn't want me or James to think badly of her. So she begged Severus to keep it a secret. But Hermione found out and told me, then Severus came clean. Now Hermione has a baby boy, my little brother, they may get married which means one of my best friends will become my step-mum, then on top of all that, someone kidnapped my dad!" Harry spilled breathlessly.

The look of sickening pain and confusion was still on Rons' face. It seemed that it was a permanent fixture. "That's – that's heavy mate. What are you going to tell Hermione? Or does she already know?" Ron asked.

Harry shook his head. "I haven't figured out how to tell her without getting the stuffing cursed out of me."

Ron laughed. "Good luck mate," he said as he went back upstairs.

It wasn't that Harry was disappointed by the fact that Ron didn't stay to help him figure out what to say to Hermione. However, he'd of liked Ron to offer his help at least. It made him feel disappointed by the fact that maybe they weren't as close as they were when they were younger. Life was taking a tole on them, drifting them apart.

"Okay, Hermione, can we talk about something?" Harry muttered to himself. He was at the door to Severus' and Hermione's chambers. Knocking on the door, he took in a deep breath. "Calm and collected, Harry, calm and collected."

Hermione opened the door, obviously fresh out of bed. "Harry, bit early for a visit."

"Yeah, it's not a visit. Not really. Uh, may I come in?" Harry asked nervously, twisting his thumbs.

Nodding, Hermione stepped aside. The family room was in complete disarray. Toys were everywhere, clothes were tossed here and there. A baby plainly lived here. Hermione lead him over to the couch and sat down. "Sorry about the mess, haven't had time to clean. So, what's up?"

"Uh, its about Severus," Harry started.

"Oh, yes, do you know where he is? He never came to bed last night."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. He's been – He'sbeenkidnapped!" The last sentence came out so fast that not even Harry himself was sure of what he said. "Severus has been kidnapped," he repeated.

Hermione gaped at him. "Harry, are you sure?"

Harry nodded.

"You're not joking?"

Harry shook his head.

"Don't mess with me Harry James Snape!"

"I'm not."

"Dont' mess with a post-pregnant woman Snape! Tell me you're joking right now!"

"I can't because I'm not."

Hermione once again gaped at him. "What happened?"

Harry then proceeded to tell Hermione what happened just ten hours earlier.

"Harry, who do you think would take Severus?" Hermione asked, pacing the room. Pharaoh was in his rocker playing with the toys hovering above him, having woken up just minutes before.

Shrugging, Harry sighed. "I'm not sure. The only person I can think of is Lucius Malfoy, but they're friends, aren't they?"

Hermione stopped pacing long enough to pick up a sock of Pharaoh's from the floor. "Not really, ever since Drea's brother's have been found alive. Severus basically accused Lucius of kidnapping the boys himself. Not to mention the legal issues that the Deatheaters are having with the Ministry. Severus is the only one that isn't being held for trial, which obviously makes very angry ex-friends."

Harry blinked a couple times. "Who's Drea?"

"Daniel Varn's daughter. Dreana Varn. Daniel and Severus were friends and death-eaters. Voldemort ended up killing Daniel after his two boys went missing because he spent too much time looking for his sons than with his Master. They never found the boys until Drea ran into them earlier this year. We've been trying to figure out who could have taken the boys ever since. Severus finally accused Lucius and they've been distant ever since. So I would think that Lucius had taken Severus, or had him taken. The question now is, where did he taken Severus?" Hermione explained.

"What about his mansion?" Harry asked, going to the kitchen. He was starting to get hungry a little. "Mind if I take an apple?"

Hermione waved him off. "No, help yourself." She hesitated. "No, I don't think Lucius would be that stupid," she responded, "Have you ever heard of Zeus Talker?"

Mouth full of apple, Harry shook his head. "I don't think so, why?"

"We're going to Muggle London to find him," she said simply. Going to pack a small bag for Pharaoh, then threw a pinch of Floo Powder in the fireplace shouting, "The Burrow!" She clung onto Pharaoh tightly as she stepped out of the fireplace to Molly's arms.

"Hermione! Darling! What a surprise! And your little tyke, Arthur and I have been meaning to pop over to see the little guy. And here you are, how wonderful. Harry, how nice." Molly smiled warmly taking Pharaoh away from his mother to smother him in kisses.

"Hello Molly, I've come to ask you to take care of Pharaoh for a day or so. Severus and I want to decorate and Pharaoh would just get in the way. So, would you mind?"

Molly shook her head almost violently. "Not at all, be a pleasure, dear."

Hermione grinned and thanked her. "Everything you need should be in there, if not, here's some money to get it." She said, pointing to the beaded bag that she carried around all throughout her Seventh year hunting with Harry and Ron. Then she handed over another small bag that held money. "Thank you, Molly," she said before apparating away, grabbing Harry's hand.

In a second flat, they were in muggle London. Harry, confused, simply went with it when Hermione checked into a hotel with Harry as brother and sister. "Now, to find this Zeus Talker," Hermione said to herself after they went to their room.


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