The Bump, The Witch, and the Talk

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The Bump, The Witch, and the Talk

Been a while? Yes. All I've been doing is working and sleeping. Haven't had time to sit down really in a sane mind to write. And yes I do mean SANE MIND. Why is all work unfair? I mean, seriously, I want equal rights in the workplace. Anyway, enough about my unfair work. Are you all enjoying the story so far? How many people liked what I put in about Harry being Snape's son? I read it in a book on wattpad, I don't remember which, but thought it sounded good, so I made my own Harry/Snape relationship.

On another note, I HAVE FINALLY GOT MY FAMILIES ALBUM ON CD!!!!!! The Whelchel Family, country gospel. I love it.

Anyway, back to the troubles of Severus and Hermione.....hey that wouldn't be a bad title would it?........


Minerva was a nuisance. Just because I "stole" her prized student she would sick the Minister of Magic on us to try to get me...what? Fired? I don't know for sure. Severus couldn't sleep that night after Arthur left. Hermione tossed and turned so much that Severus couldn't even lay awake in bed. Not only that, but she was hogging the bed and covers. Not that he minded much about the covers, but the bed. Well, he was on the edge as it was and with one shove, Hermione had made him fall off the bed, very ungracefully. It didn't wake her up, though. Lucky her, he kept thinking almost bitterly.

Instead of laying awake in bed, he sat awake in his chair. Thinking. Mostly about the future, what it would hold when the baby get here. As much as he desperately wanted a boy, he wanted a girl as beautiful as her mother as well. He could very easily see himself at his Manor, retired, with their four children, one of them a girl named Arleen, who looks just like her mother. The others are rambunctious boys that makes Hermione want to pull her hair out, then feed it to Severus for dinner for getting her pregnant. He smiled amused by the dream he had created. It was hard to imagine that just little over a year ago, his feelings were for Lily, and only Lily. Now, though, he couldn't remember her face.

The more he fell in love with Hermione, the more he let Lily go. He still had Harry, who would forever be a part of them both, and now that he knew of the truth, the possibilities were almost endless. Severus could make up for all the terrible things he's done to Harry in the past. However, perhaps, the best way he could make up, was simply being there for Harry.

A light tapping on his window broke Severus of all thoughts. A small brown owl that looked very annoyed was tapping on the small window. No doubt, this was from Drea. Only she would keep a small, pitiful little owl like that around and think it cute. Although, Hermione would probably think it's cute also. Personally, Severus thought it weak and stupid, but would never tell Drea that. Severus waved his wand and the window flew open, allowing the owl to fly in and drop a letter in his lap. It didn't wait before flying out the window again.

It was from Drea, of course. She wanted thanked Severus in her letter about the warning, but didn't think that Lucius could be behind it. Nevertheless, she did what I asked, was very careful around him until we could be for certain. He hissed at the letter. She was a fool if she thought that Lucius, who has acted odd since he was told of this...event, was innocent. Even his own wife thought he had done something. Although, he wasn't going to press her. She would just have to figure out this for herself. The verituserum wasn't done, not by a long shot. Even though he had some verituserum in stock, he'd have to report any uses and missing from stores, and he didn't want anyone that didn't have to know about this to know. So, brewing a whole new batch would be the only way to go.

For two hours, Severus sat in his chair, dozing on and off to the dreams he had made up about his future. He hoped that at least some of those dreams would become reality. He didn't mind if all the children were girls, or boys. All he wanted was four children with his love. Hermione. They haven't made anything official, or said anything along the lines of "I love you", but Severus knew how much Hermione cared about Severus. He was sure that Hermione knew how much he truly cared about her in return, though. At least he hoped she knew. He still couldn't bring himself to say those words, and he had a sneaky feeling that unless he said it first, Hermione wouldn't say it.

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