Potions Master Retires

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Finally, Sorry its taken so so long. What I thought was going to be normal update days didn't come true. I started working on those days, so I'm terribly sorry. However, I am writing this as long as I can to hopefully makeup for it. 


Hermione went to check on Pharaoh as he hadn't made a single peep since she had put him to bed after Severus got home. His little hand was currled over the bunny's ear that Harry had gotten for him to help him sleep after Severus was taken. It never helped. In fact, before now he had never touched it. His dark curls covered the face of his bunny even as he moved his head. He'd be okay if she went to the Hospital Wing for a few minutes. However, just in case she'd call Flynn. 

"Flynn"she called out in a whisper. 

If there was ever a time when apparation sounded like a whisper, that was the time. It was barely a sound at all. 

"Yes, miss?" 

"Can you please keep an eye on Pharaoh for me for a few minutes?" Hermione asked sweetly. 

Flynn bowed deeply. "Yes, of course miss." 

Hermione smiled and thanked him. She kissed his head, then left for the hospital wing. She was prepared to give up the potions position, however, she really wanted the class to finish what she assigned them. She walked quickly up to the Hospital Wing. Thankfully it was night and no students were out of bed. Or should  be out of bed, she should say. She smiled fondly at the many times Harry, Ron, and her had sneaked out of bed over the years. 

"Hello Hermione, off to check on Severus?" Minerva asked coolly. Minerva never did approve of her relationship with the Potions Master, however never fought them anymore since Hermione graduated. It wasn't against the rules any longer so there was no cause for her to fight. Anyway, she loved looking after Pharaoh on the times that Hermione had Hogsmeade duty and couldn't bring him. 

She smiled at her old teacher. "Yes, I'm giving up my status as Potions Mistress. However want to let Severus know what all I've been teaching them."

Minerva halted and gave a look of both shock and sorrow. "My dear, I thought you would put up more of a fight to stay Mistress. You seem to love it so much."

Nodding slowly, "Yes, I do love teaching. However, Severus was teaching first. I only stepped in to make certain that no students fell behind in his absence."

The older Professor inhaled a breath. "Talk to Severus about it before giving up. Perhaps he would work something out with you so you can both be happy." With that, she started away, perhaps to get back to her nightly rounds. 

It was a thought. Maybe they could co-teach. He was always complaining of the first years and the fourth years, that they were always acting like they knew everything because they read their books and did their assignments. Maybe she could teach those two classes. Hermione opened the large doors that lead to the Hospital wing, popping by Madam Pomphrey's office to tell her its just her not to worry. Severus was in the far bed away from the door, curtains drawn to shield himself from people. He was the only person in the hospital at the time. Harvey Tolmes must have been checked out earlier today. Hermione thought of the young boy that nearly burned his entire hand off a week earlier. 

"Severus," Hermione called softly as she walked over to his bed. 

He woke instantly, eyes searching the room fearfully for a moment. Suddenly, they fell onto her and relaxed. "Hermione, what are you doing here, love?"

She sat on his bed and dabbed his forehead with a cloth she transformed from a flower. "Sorry to wake you, but I came to talk to you about your lessons, and to check on you."

"What about my lessons? You're the Potions Mistress now."

"Yes, however, once you're better you must want your position back, wont you?" She asked holding his hand. 

He shook his head. "No, I'm retiring. I cant stand the thought of going back to teaching potions. Plus, I know you always wanted to teach. Even if its potions."

Hermione was shocked at his confessions. "What will you do though?"

Severus shrugged. "I'll ask Albus if I can be the night patrol and Hogsmead dutyperson so that teachers can get more stuff done. Plus it will free up time for my sons and I to become closer. Harry included in that." 

"So, you'll never teach again?" 

"Not never, once you become pregnant again, I'll take over after so long. But I'm not going to be a permanent fixture in teaching again."

"There's no changing your mind?" 

He shook his head. "Ok," she said with a faint smile. "I'll see you tomorrow sometime." She gave him a kiss and left. 

Even though she was glad to still be teaching, she was slightly upset that he was retiring. It was almost as if an end to an era. 

A few weeks  went by and Severus finally was up to his new duties of Night Patrol and Hogsmead watch. At the announcement a few days after their talk, all the students, except the first years stood up and clapped with respect for him. Harry and Ginny were among those that would miss him teaching the most. 


Thank you for reading and staying so long with this story. I hope to update more in the future. Thank you. 

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