Looking for Severus

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Looking For Severus
Sorry I've been gone so long. A lot of stuff happened. Like my truck decided to never work again. Like seriously. Anyway though I'm back and here is the next chapter.

Hermione went ballistic searching for her boyfriend. She needed her Severus back. Not only that, but Harry was needing him back too. Word of Harry's relationship to Severus spread like wildfire. So, everyone was once again laughing at Harry. It was bad enough that Harry couldn't find his dad anywhere and that the Aurors  weren't doing anything useful to help. In fact in the two weeks that Severus was missing they did absolutely nothing to help. .

Harry and Hermione deduced that they were doing nothing on purpose because Severus was once a deatheater. It only made them that much angrier and determined to find Severus.
Pharaoh was doing great, but even the little baby could tell that something was wrong in the house. He kept crying at odd times and not appear to be hungry or needing a diaper change or anything. It got to where Harry would pretend to be Severus so that Hermione could sleep more. It never helped because once Harry would pretend to be Severus, Pharaoh would look up at Harry like he was an idiot. 

"I know I'm not dad, but give your mum a break will you?" Harry had taken to begging instead. 

Pharaoh, at only a few months old, rolled his eyes in a Severus way, making Harry want to laugh and cower in fear at the same time. Pharaoh was so much like Severus it really scared Harry. 

"Harry, will we ever find Severus?" Hermione asked one day. 

Harry shrugged. "We will, Hermione, he's a strong man. He would never leave his family."


"Right, time to go looking for Zues," Hermione said after leaving the burrow and apparating to Muggle London. 

Not knowing where to start, Hermione grabbed a phone book and started looking under the T's. Then, after she didn't find anything, she muttered a bunch of spells to help. None seemed to help. 

Halfway through lunch at a coffee shop, a man appeared suddenly. He had a scar on his face and blue eyes dark with exhaustion. Hermione took notice of him when he paid for a coffee to go and the tip of what looked like a wand poke out of his sleeve. Kicking Harry under the table, she nodded to the man. Harry understood immediately that Hermione wanted to follow him, so they left first, tipping the waitress largely. The Invisibility cloak wasn't big enough for both of them like it was when they were younger, so they disillusioned themselves and set out to follow the man. 


Extremely short I know. But I'm sorry, things got crazy with a truck that stopped working, then finding a knew car, then three people quiting and Thanksgiving. I'll get back into it soon, I promise.   

AN 2: made some changes to this chapter. Hope you like it. Building up for the next few chapters. 

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