The Potter Plot

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The Potter Plot

Okay, I actually really like this title LOL


Harry watched Hermione run out of the Great Hall. He was stunned by her use of his last name. Even on her angriest day, she never used it. Ron had dropped his fork when he heard her say that. They looked at each other and ran after her. She ran down to the dungeons. They knew where she was headed. Harry had taken to keeping his invisibility cloak with him since the war. Ron and him could fit barely. They looked around before ducking under it and heading for the dungeons.

They walked around the corner to the dungeons where Hermione was most likely headed. They peeked in the classroom. No one was there. They took off the invisibility cloak and walked to his office. They opened the door, expecting a shouting Snape at them. The office was empty. Ron looked just how Harry felt. Confused and worried. Something was going on. It was time to get a teacher involved.

"Come on, let's find McGonagll. She needs to know," Harry said, walking out.

Ron followed, distraught by something. Harry knew he had some sort of feelings for Hermione, even if he didn't admit it. The fear was the thought that Hermione could have moved on, when Ron was still thinking about things. That summer they spent apart from each other seemed to have done something to their relationship. They hadn't held hands, or anything since the war.

"Potter, Weasley, what can I do for you?" McGonagll asked as they entered her office. She was just about to head to lunch herself.

"Professor, do you know where Hermione is? She ran out of the Hall to the dungeons, but we can't find her anywhere. They only reason she would have to be in the dungeons would be in potions, right?" Harry started. His voice would hardly work for him.

She looked nervous. "Yes, I believe you are right, Potter. I'll find her for you," she stated, smiling at them. Ron and Harry both smiled back. They were relieved. Minerva headed out of the room, not bothering to say good bye. She knew where Hermione Granger was. And she was furious. It was almost time for classes, and Severus would have a classroom full of first years by now. She walked fast to his private chamber. She wanted to barge in on them. Catch them. But Severus was a cleaver man. He had put a spell on the door. She couldn't open it.

She sighed angrily. "Severus, your class is waiting!" She waited for several minutes then called again, "Severus, your class is waiting!"

He answered this time. "Minerva, I will be there in a moment."

She had no idea what he was doing in there, nor did she want to know. However, Minerva knew that her student, her prized student was being ravaged by that man. He was a fairly nice guy, but he was still a Slytherin. A few moments later, Severus opened the door. And she nearly fainted dead away.

He was standing there with his bored expression, in his underwear. Clothes were all over the floor. Minerva saw the bare back of Hermione facing the wall. She wanted to curse him into oblivion. However, she didn't. She still cared for the man, still thought highly of him.


"My, my, Minerva, don't know you know what sex is?" he asked slyly, with a grin on his face. He was a despicable man. Really. She wanted to slap him. No, punch him in the face.

"Severus, you have a class of first years that need teaching. And Miss Granger has classes to prepare for if she is going to pass her N.E.W.T.S. Not in here getting ravaged by you, Severus Snape," she hissed at him.

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