Zues Talker

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Zues Talker

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Hermione wanted to run after him and ask him to repeat what he'd said. However, he went into his office, which meant that she would have to go through the portrait on the first floor, as she always did, to ask him. Instead, she decided to wait until that night, when they would have their dinner here, with it being Wednesday. Of course she was over the moon about his saying 'love'. However, she wanted to make sure that he meant it before saying it back to him. She didn't want him to feel pressured into saying it by anything. She, of course, wanted to say it for weeks now, but didn't. With his rather bad trek of relationships in the past, she understood the long wait of 'love'.

She tried to put the phrase out of her mind and focus on her lessons, but she couldn't. Instead, she was so focused on her "problem?", that she almost ruined her charms essay, mistranslated several runes, and almost got Neville killed in DADA by a boggart of a werewolf. (Her boggart had changed after the war to something a little more...understandable.) By the time she got to her last class, Potions, she was in a bad mood and wished that someone would try to make conversation with her. She would fire off on them so bad, they would have to take a calming draught to recover. To her utter dismay, however, everyone was keeping a fair distance from her.

In the potions room, Hermione even got a table to herself because of it, to which she was pleased about. People were the last thing on her mind at the moment. She focused solely on what she was writing. Names of boys. All of them started with Severus, but the middle name was different. The one that seemed to stand out at the moment was Severus Pharaoh Snape. Severus loved Pharaoh, and she would get her wish of naming the child after his father. It was a perfect collaboration.

When Severus entered the class several minutes late, he expected the students to be talking loudly, some actually starting the essay he had put on the board before class started. He expected Hermione to be one of the ones that started the essay early. Instead, he got a silent classroom. All the students seemed to be looking wearily to Hermione's table of one. She was busy writing something angrily. Sighing heavily, he knew that he'd get an earful tonight about what she was angry about. He was wondering who had made her so mad that would make the whole class avoid her, but brushed it aside for a moment.

"Your assignment is on the board already," he said in his dull, dark voice. "Why are you not starting on it?"

Several loud clanks and thuds were heard as students hurried to get out their books to start the rather complicated essay. Instead of having to deal with the students dismal potions attempts, Severus had decided to change two lessons. Today was an essay, next lesson would be practical. He didn't feel much like keeping the students from killing themselves. His body was tired, however his mind was at full attention on what he'd said this morning. He didn't really mean too, but he felt like he had to say it at that moment. After all, he already said it to Minerva, and he had no doubt that it would be soon making its way around the staff table. Might as well let Hermione in on it. (Not that it was all business like it sounds). He really did love her.

Hermione was the only one who didn't get out her books to start her essay. She continued to write baby names, calming herself down from her good day turned bad. Severus noticed that Hermione wasn't moving to get out her books, but just this once, he'd give her the benefit of a doubt. After all, she was a month ahead of her classes, almost two. She'd already done and handed the essay in to Severus, who had graded it rather harshly, however couldn't find a single mistake in the essay. He'd given her a high grade with prideful disdain. He actually wanted to give her something else to work on in his class, since he had nothing else to have her work on in his class. Pretending not to notice her, he went to his desk to do some built up paperwork. After several minutes, a throat cleared. Sneering, he glanced up to see Pansy Parkinson looking at him with a sneer expression herself, hand in the air pleasantly.

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